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The wind was blowing.

The sun was shining.

Everything was all okay...

"Why are there so many leaves...?"

Uri grumbled as she swept the remaining leaves into the big pile.

Currently, there were 3 big piles. Of leaves. Lots of leaves.

"I blame grandpa for getting a shrine as big as this."

She sighed as she stopped sweeping and looked at the building.

The shrine was only one story but it was as wide as an regular house. The courtyard was 3-times as big. Mostly for festivals that might be held here.

Her house was just a few feet away from the shrine. A normal 2 story house. With two normal parents. And a grandfather as the shrine priest.

But back to the shrine...

Uri sighed as she laid the broom against a wooden pillar of the shrine.

Done with daily chores, she was about to head back into the house...

...when she heard something.

She turned towards the stairs that lead up to this place and kept staring, waiting, for whatever that was going to pop out.

A cap came into view instead.

Blinking, she kept her eyes trained onto the clothing piece as half of a person's body was in view.

Uri gripped the bottom of her priestess garb as she looked intently at the stranger in front of her.

The person had a blue cap on, a purple and white t-shirt, blue jeans, and---
Wait....a purple and white t-shirt? Haven't she seen that somewhere before---

"Yo. Nice to see you again, Hatsumoto Uri."

Her mouth dropped as she shakingly pointed a finger at the figure.

"U-Urushihara...san....What are you going here?!"

Urushihara tilted his cap a little backwards so his face was now visible, but still shadowed by the cap's front.

"I was dragged outside by Maou and Ashiya. One sale per person or somewhere along the lines of that."

Urushihara shrugged as Uri continued to gape at him.

"T-Then...where is Maou-san and Ashiya-san then?"

"Left them."

She blinked once. Twice. Then tilted her head to the side.


"I left them behind. No big deal. I don't want to be killed by a bunch of old human ladies."

Urushihara shivered as he remembered a memory. The landlady that owned their apartment...he can swear that she can't be human. Not at all.

Uri just rose a brow at his answer and her shoulders sagged from her released acceleration. That's all he was here for?...Wait...

"Then what are you here for, Urushihara-san?"

A smirk slowly crept up into his face. Uri did not like the look of that.

"I went home first obviously, but then when I went to check my tracking, I remembered I placed one on you too. And here I am."

"....wait? What?"

Her voice rose a bit octave higher as she yelled.

"A tracking device?!"


Uri sweatdropped at Urushihara, who was smiling as if everything was normal.

"Anyways, I was wondering if---"

And the moment when Urushihara  tried to step through the shrine gates, a mystery force prevented him so, flashing a short but big light as it did.

Urushihara yelped in surprised as Uri closed her eyes from the blinding light. When it was gone, she slowly opened her eyes, which opened wider when she looked at the state the boy was in.

His cap has flown off of his head and was right beside him. The side of his left arm was a bit burnt since he raised it up just in time to protect himself. His clothes looked a bit dirty but all in all, he wasn't too badly damaged.

"OW! What the hell was that?!"

Racking her brain, Uri tried to find a explanation for all this. But when she looked at Urushihara's eyes, everything was understood.

"Well of course..."

Urushihara, who was blowing and lightly touching the burnt side of his arm, looked at Uri, his expression containing annoyance.


"Of course you would get rejected by the shrine, Urushihara-san."




"What the hell do you mean by that?"

Urushihara glared at Uri. He wasn't mad at her, no. But right now, there was no one else to direct his anger at and he's pretty sure, directing his anger toward an non-living object is just plain stupid.

But Uri wasn't fazed. If more or less, she was a bit amused.

"Have you forgotten that your a demon, Urushihara-san?"

"......Oh yea..."

My Cute Demon (Urushihara X OC)Where stories live. Discover now