Angels are broke?

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"Speak, human."

Uri felt her eye twitch before she glared fully at the NEET. Urushihara simply just ignored her. Due to Urushihara randomly announcing that they were going to hang out, Uri had to change out of her priestess garb and into new clothes. Then he dragged her off. Which brings them to the present.

"Why are we here?"

Currently, the duo was in Sentucky, the new restaurant that opened across from MgRonald, where Maou and Chiho worked at. Of course, Uri was the one who paid for everything. Which meant, she paid for the two burger, two fries, two sodas, and the special: the Sentucky fried chickens.*

"I swear, my wallet is crying right now..."

"Yea, and I don't give a damn."

And that resulted in Uri glaring at Urushihara, again. Urushihara pointed at her cup of untouched soda.

"You gonna drink that?"

Uri sighed, knowing she can't stay mad for long. She nodded and Urushihara took that as a go-ahead. He swiftly took her cup of beverage and downed it in second. Uri just looked on with a dead-panned face.

"Are you starved or something?"

Images flitted her mind as she thought of how that could happen. Urushihara just scoffed before taking a bite out of his burger.

"No. It's complications."

Uri had no idea what he meant so she just nodded, a blank expression on her face. After he finished the burger too, Urushihara stood up.

"Alright. Let's go."


Urushihara rolled his eyes.

"You don't really think this'll be the last stop?"

And before Uri could say anything, Urushihara grabbed her wrist and dragged her out of the seat.

"C'mon. Let's go. Before they run out..."

Uri couldn't hear the last part since Urushihara mumbled it. She could also faintly hear the manager of the store call out after her, probably saying goodbye but she was already out of the door when that had happened.

It was only a few blocks down when they reached their next destination. Uri could definitely feel herself about to faint.


"Hey. How much money you have left?"

Uri broke out of her small trance and checked her old-styled wallet.

"Um...'bout 30 dollars left."

Urushihara hummed, making a thinking pose. Uri had a guess of what he was thinking about. She just hoped it wasn't true...

"Alright. Let's buy it."

...Even though she was a priestess, it seems like the Gods hate her.

And so, Urushihara dragged her inside, made her buy the game, and went out with Urushihara feeling satisfied and Uri feeling really, really tired.

"I thought my heart was going to stop for a moment there..." Uri sighed, placing a hand over her chest. Then she glared, for the third time of the day, at Urushihara. "Why didn't you tell me sooner that your had discount coupons?!"

Urushihara just shrugged his shoulders while holding the newly-bought game protectively near his chest.

"You had enough money. It was all good."

"What am I now...Some kind of loan you don't need to pay back?"


Urushihara earned three bumps on the head after that.

"After I insert it in this slot..."

Urushihara placed the cd in the cd slot of his laptop and then closed the slot. Right after he did that, the laptop made a weird noise. The game page quickly popped up on the screen, with various options to choose from. Urushihara then got up and went to fetch something from the drawers. Uri just sat next to the laptop as she looked at Urushihara with confusion.

He quickly came back with two controllers in hand.


Urushihara sat back down as he handed one of the controllers to Uri. Uri accepted, but she was still confused.


"Don't you want to play?"

Confusion turned into astonishment as Uri looked at Urushihara with shock on her face. Sure, her ears heard what he had said but her mind still hadn't processed it yet. Uri finally responded back after what seemed like a few minutes to her.

"Oh. Uh. Um...Sure..."

Urushihara just nodded like usual and pressed the start button.



Chiho looked at her friend with huge, wide eyes. Uri sighed.

"Chi-chan. Close your mouth or flies will get in."

"Oh! Ri—Wait! Don't change the subject!" Chiho neared Uri as the two walked home from the Demon's stronghold. Chiho's face was dark as she stared at Uri with the same eyes when another woman was conversing with Maou.

"Does that mean..."

Uri raised a brow.

"It was a date?!"

Then she choked on her own saliva.



Sorry that I haven't updated in so long! >.< Things just been so crazy and my imagination has gone down the drain for a while so...I was stuck -.- But now I'm back! Hallelujah!

Oh, and I made a new story. Ace x reader! >////< Cause Ace and all my other husbandos are bae~~~

I'll be really happy if you check it out!

Thank guys! I'll update soon!

* - I dunno if that is their special??? It's Sentucky

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2016 ⏰

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