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Okay, so I typed this out because it's easier to write and read.

So day 1 (technically not day 1, but oh well it was day 1 to me), Thursday 20th August.

My nerves were extremely high and I was finishing packing and my father made my mom and I eat at home, which made us late to the Convention Center by like half an hour and we thought there would be an insane line, but there wasn't. It was very relaxed and I was still pretty excited that this was actually happening! I brought my drawing of Misha, just in case I could buy some tickets for autographs or something. I got a Misha ticket for him to sign my photo and I was so extremely excited for that weekend!

Day 2 Friday, 21 August.

So my mom and I drove from Minneapolis to Owatonna (which is a good hour drive) last night and I was hyper and couldn't sleep at all. On Friday things didn't start til like 1 pm, so we had time to chill out and look at the vendors and talk with some other fans. I was like freaking out a lot still though and my mom had me tell me the whole show's story so she would know what was happening. We saw Chad Lindberg (Ash), I was in a True or False Trivia game and lost on the first question {trust me it was tricky}, then we saw Gil McKinney (Henry Winchester) I asked him a question that went crazy on the internet (Or at least on my Tumblr dashboard), [How is it to be Jared and Jensen's grandfather? He answered, well awesome and of course J2 came from me!] It was adorable! Then we had a big break and mom and I went out to eat on Nicollet mall. There was news that Mark was sick and he wasn't going to show (but we didn't know that we had bigger problems headed our way.) So my mom and I enjoyed the Karaoke party... Which was amazing by the way. I think that was one of my favorite parts of the whole freaking con. It was just so much fun and Sebastian made a surprise appearance and I got a few selfies with the cast.

Day 3 Saturday, 22 August.

The longest freaking day of my whole existence.

Number one. It started with Richard Speight (Trickster) coming out and saying that Misha got hurt badly last night during the Karaoke party. And that he was mugged. I almost started crying right then and there in the theater. Second, we had to be at the theater at 9 am and we left at 12 am... ugh. We saw Tahmoh Penikett (Ezekiel), Sebastian Roche(Balthazar), and Gil again. Then we saw Mark Sheppard in the afternoon and I went on stage again for a Costume Contest (I went up as Claire Novak) and won a 20$ prize. Then it was nearing my Misha autograph and I was frantically trying to distract myself so I wouldn't go into panic attack mode in public. I was distracted by Richard Speight Jr, Matt Cohen(young John Winchester) and Rob Benedict(Chuck/God) who also took over an extra hour since Misha couldn't come out on stage. So they had an hour and 45 minutes of entertaining us. We had a long chat about how Misha is the least likely person who would ever deserves this. And it really really felt like a family for a while. Then came the 6 o'clock autographs. I wouldn't be surprised if this took up half a page for me to write.

Misha experience:

So I was going to get an auto with him and I was scared witless about how he looked and if he was really really badly hurt or what. I almost screamed when they called my number for autographs. I walked up and stood in line for a few minutes. Mark Sheppard was on the other side of the room, signing as well and I couldn't see around the line of people to get a look at Misha, but when I did see him I wanted to hit whoever hurt him with a metal chair in the face. His lip was really swollen and was stitched up pretty well and his face was a little bruised up, but when I gave him the picture to sign he just looked up after he looked at it and mumbled "Did you do this?"

I wanted to say "yes, because you are the most amazing and sweet man ever!" but my throat was clogged up with tears and I just nodded really really fast and he gave me like a halfway smile (so he wouldn't break his stitches) and he was trying to find a place to sign and the only words I could say was,

"Sign anywhere, even on your forehead, I love you so much."

He said, "Thank you so much!" And I replied, "No, thank you." I cried afterward.

And then came Sebastian...

So I was supposed to get a signature for Olivia( livigurl13 ) and I bought a ticket and he signed the back of my mom's lanyard. (We didn't have a picture and it was like 2 minutes til he had to sign) I walked up and he was talking with another girl before me. She didn't get to have her photo op with him because of her hotel screwing up and making her miss the whole photo op session, so he suggested taking a selfie, but her phone literally just died in front of her. So I offered for her to use my phone and he said "Thank you so much, darling! Now you need one too!"

So I got a photo and a hug from Sebastian. As well as a signature for Olivia.

Rest of the day: We went to the Saturday Night Concert, but I don't think it was nearly as good at the karaoke.

Day 3 Sunday, 23 August.

This was the final day and we didn't have to get to the Con til 11:45, which was the photo op with Jared and Jensen... Let's just say. That was amazing.... They smell really good and it was so awesome. Jensen extended his hand and asked how I was doing and I squeaked out "I'm good, you?" I stood in the middle of them and looked up at Jared's big puppy eyes and then I asked for a squishy hug. I said that I loved them so so much and Jared said I love you too. I was the happiest person alive right then. And I think I convinced my mother that this show it pretty much my life support and it makes me extremely happy.

So for panels, we saw Alaina Huffman (Abbadon) and about halfway through there were people lining up to ask questions for the big panel. Jared and Jensen's. It was awesome. It was hilarious and really heartfelt. They poked at Misha a bit but said it was for all good fun. At that time the whole theater was full. Every seat. And that was about 2500 people in there. Literally after they left the room was about 1000 people left for the rest of the day. Mark Sheppard came back out and gave the last panel of the con. It was just so amazing I didn't want it to end. 

I might be going next year too, so see you there people! At Minneapolis, Minnesota's Supernatural Convention!

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