#6 Debate worries!

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Monday, 16 November 2014

Happy times don't last forever I guess! Why? I've just been informed by our headmistress that I have a debate session with the school debate team captain Jason Warner! Didn't get the situation? I'll explain. We've got a selection session. And Jason Warner is one of the extraordinary persons in our school! He is an ace diver and an amazing football player although his brain functions at its top speed helping him to excel in studies as well! He is the rebel of the school and well, sometimes even the class clown!Whew! That's not the thing that worries me of course! Actually he is a super hyperactive person who's got his own ways with girls but that's considered something very weird by most of the girls! Once you are a friend forever a friend! That's what his policy is! And the most confusing thing? Being so brainy he hangs out with all the non-geek people!But of course I can't judge him with that. Now the thing that worries me the most? Jason is something like the USAIN BOLT of debate! I am such a systematic debater! I don't even have a tidbit of the strength in his voice that mostly compel people to believe him! And if you by any circumstances don't believe him than he will seriously become the DEVIL in your life! So best of luck to me! May the odds be EVER in my favour!

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