63. The Nothings

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I can't breathe.

Always holding my breath.

So angry inside.

I want to smash things

Until there's nothing left.

People's greed and stupidity.

Hate and lies all around me.

Why must I be good?

Why must I be fair?

Why can't I be destructive,

Coarse and heartless?

I feel it, bubbling inside.

Evil, painful, horrible

thoughts filling my mind.

Yah, I wish I could slug

Your stupid, arrogant face

And tell you where to go.

I wish I could make you suffer

How you make me suffer.

Burn it down.

Watching you and laughing.

Because you all deserve it.

You know you do.

Walking around, mindless,


Wasteful bags of flesh.

Pretty on the outside.

Rotten and demonic inside.

You pollute yourselves and

Everyone around you.

Teaching your children

It's okay to be a nothing too.

You are nothing.

You have nothing to give.

Only nothings understand your shallow dribble.

Only nothings will mourn you.

Sometimes I wish I could relax.

Let the government pay for everything.

Bear twenty kids who barely now how to speak

Or feed themselves.

You hate, you lie and steal.

You like living in slums or in jail.

Or you just sit on your ritchous throne

Talking down to everyone.

Your mouth moving.

Your brain not working.

You hearts made of plastic.

Hard, inflexible, and I can

See right through you.

Where are the people who want

To be something?

Who unconditionally love and

Give freely?

Who don't act like a god,

Bragging about every good deed.

But those who are servants

Helping those in need?

People who are kind to be kind?

Because it's the right thing to do?

Where are those who

Lift others up?

Who don't just use them and

Throw them away?

This world is hell on Earth to me.

I feel like something.

Yet I am treated

As if I am mundane.

Wondering if this will ever change.

Tired of being stopped at every turn.

Riticuled for being different.

By family, by strangers,

Who say they're my friends.

You would not mourn me if I died.

I am alone.

Always alone.

But am I alone in my thinking?

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