161. Writer

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I want to touch you.

To graze my hand against yours as you walk by.

To step back against you when you stand behind me.
To tickle you when you make me laugh.
And more...so much more...
Things I am too embarrassed to admit to anyone.
You'd never know.
Unless you think like me but act accordingly.
I can dream.
Writer's dream maybe more than others.
We can paint pictures in your minds that flow onto paper.
I can imagine the things I wish to happen
That may never happen anywhere else.
I can say the words that burn in my throat to come out.
I can pretend to hear you saying what I've imagined you'd say.
I can change your features.
Change your name.
I can love you or leave you in a million ways.
I can be brave against any obstacle.
Fight any demon.
All in the comfort of my own home.
With just a paper and pen.
And when I want to remember...
...Read it all over again.

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