99. Into You

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I've lost my mind.
Spun out of control.
You played into my heart
Down into my soul.
This doesn't happen often you know...

I'm distracted,
The words they just flow.
I'm crashing,
I'm floating,
I'm falling,
Does it show?
'Cuz I feel like the whole world already knows...

You don't even have to try,
Say a word,
Make a sound--
I don't know why.
Only a smile,
Or a touch,
And I feel I can fly.
Please just let me know now...

Do you feel the same way too?
And you're too shy?
Don't know what to do?
Are you scared?
'Cuz I am too.
But I got to let you know
I'm so into you...

I wish on every single star
For someone to find me one day.
I've waited so long,
For my dreams to come true.
To have someone love me
The way I need to be loved.
And here you are
Straight out of the blue.
Turned my world upside down
Thinking maybe you're out of my league.
But I can't keep quiet--
Now that you're free.
I want you to be near me.
Tell me do you?  

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