71. Smoke And Fire

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I have no words.
No exactly that you have espressed
To tell your feelings.
Yet so much can be said with actions.
A brush of hands on skin.
A long gaze into your eyes.
It's all getting so deep.
I can feel you seeping
Into my very soul.
I am singing songs we know.
Wanting to go where you go.
But it's too soon o see
If you're also falling for me.
All I know is how I'm feeling;
How much I'm smiling lately,
And how terrified I am all at once.
I don't want to have you
Just to lose you to the world soon.
Or that all the wait, hype and anxiety
Was for nothing...
All smoke...no fire.
Or maybe it could explode
Into something that can last until
The end of time.
Let me into your eyes...
...Am I in your soul?  

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