Chapter 10

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Some fans were super salty that I was with Luke and their crusty vaginas weren't.

So I sent Luke a sex tape of me and some random dude off the street.

I was too stupid to realize that it didn't nothing to solve the problem and i just showed like how much of a bitch I really was.


So I help vote for some shitty award the boys didn't deserve and moved on with my fab life.

Gathering my clothes I went into the shower.

I scrubbed myself getting the natural shit off my body.

Yes shit just grows on my body.

I was suddenly interrupted.

"Arzaylea get your crusty ass out da shower the queen is back to slay the kingdom!" Someone shouted.

"Liz is that you?" I questioned.


"Oh shit."

Patrick Stump suddenly popped in my shower.

"Rat a tat tat rat a tat tat heyyyyyyy!" Patrick said.

Just as fast as he came, he left.


"Fight me bitch. If you ain't afraid of nothing." Aleisha said.

She sounded closer.

"How'd you find me?" I asked getting out of the shower.

"The fans have been telling me all about you. You're going down." Aleisha said from behind the closed door.

"Oh no Niall." I said scared.

So I hid in the bathroom while Aleisha stood outside and waited patiently for me to come out.


And if you look to the right you can see Tiffany, once again, questioning her life choices.

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