Chapter 11

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After a stern talking to, Aleisha left with a warning and saying 'this is my fandom'.

I was honestly scared but I didn't want her to know that.

I'll just scratch out her eyes with my long ass fake nails. 


Three days (grace) later we we went to a concert.

I think the band was called Good Charlie or something like dat.

While Michael, Luke and I were waiting in line, some crap ass fans decided to quiz me.

"You don't no shit about Good Charlotte so why are you here?"

" I may not know a lot but I do know one think and it's that you're saying the name wrong. It's Good Charlie." I said proudly.

The fans chuckled and rolled their eyes probably salty that I knew more than them.

"Ok  shitface, I mean Arzaylea  please tell me who is the lead singer of  Good Charlie. If you can answer this one question you will be respected."

"Easy it's Mikey Way." I rolled my eyes mentally calling them stupid for asking a question like that.

"What are you so goddamn stupid? You know what, go shut the goddamn door and leave. " the girl stood there red faced.

I just looked at them before saying

"Why you so salty?"

The fans stomped their feet and ran away.


"You da main one"  Michael mumble.

I ignored the ugly potato and walked into the venue.


The show was shit and so was the music.

"Wow Mikey way can sing for shit." I said walking out.

Michael gave me a 'dafuq' look but before he could say anything I was bombarded with yelling.

"Pay your rent Arzaylea!" Fans screamed all over the place.

They just kept repeating it and repeating it.

"Damn y'all chill." I said.


It was Michaels birthday today.

I would seem like a shitty person if I didn't tweet him but I don't even follow Ashton on Twitter anyway.

So I sent it.

And he fucking ignored me.

"Well fuck I said.

It was 6am when I got the notification about the pay the rent thing. I laughed for like 10 minutes. Then went back to sleep. That's my life.

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