Chapter 5 - New Routine

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May 11th, 2020

"You, my friend have completely healed and you may now start putting your full weight on your ankle." She told Raleigh who was finally able to come downstairs for a meal. She had helped him down the stairs but upon checking his ankle once last time she discovered that it had healed just fine.

"I have an idea for 'physical therapy'," Raleigh said, mocking her with air quotes as he said physical therapy. She laughed at him and nodded.

"What's that Mr. Becket?" She inquired, knowing it bugged him when she used formalities with him.

"Your training!" He was excited about this. But when he said 'training' she gave him a funny look.

"What do you mean by training?" She stood up so she was at eye level with him.

"I want to teach you how to fight. I need a sparring partner." He told her hesitantly. She thought about it for the moment and honestly, she wouldn't mind learning how to fight. It would teach her how to defend herself in the case that she was attacked.

"Sounds like fun." She replied with a wide grin.

"Really?" He asked her looking slightly shocked. She smirked at him.

"I've already been conditioned. At least with cardio. Muscular is probably what I need to work with." She explained. "Why is it you wish to train me?"

"It's something familiar, something I did with Yancy. He was my co-pilot so we had to know how the other fought. At the academy, we often sparred when we couldn't find anything else to do." He told her with a reminiscent look in his eyes. Understanding flooded her mind as she realized why he wanted to teach her how to fight. He needed a sense of familiarity or at least a familiar routine that he could stick by.

"When do we start?" She asked.

"After breakfast." He grinned

True to his word, after breakfast, she found herself out in the snow wearing nothing but a tank top, running pants, and sneakers. After living in Alaska for so long she had become accustomed to the temperature however that didn't stop a chill from going through her body every couple of minutes. She had been positioned in a fighting stance thanks to Raleigh and he was talking to her about how to properly punch. What she didn't tell him was that he knew all of what he was say before he had decided to train her so when he told her to punch she laughed when he had to shake his hand out.

"You could have told me you knew how to pack a punch." He hissed shaking his hand vigorously. She chuckled and shook her head.

"I can do more than that." She told him. He stopped shaking his hand and looked at her with a whirled eyebrow. "Let's just spar. So you know where I'm at. Take it easy though."

"What? Don't want me to shovel the snow with you?" He challenged and she just rolled her eyes.

"No, I'm more concerned about you breaking your ankle again." She chastised putting her hands on her hips. His mouth quickly formed an O and he scratched the back of his head. "Your move Raleigh."

He began circling her and she moved her body accordingly. He just smirked at her before moving fast in an attempt to jab her ribs. She dodged out of the way and he stumbled past her. He quickly regained his footing and she gave him a look, urging him to strike again. He took the invitation and aimed a right hook at her. Her left arm shot out and batted his punch to the side and she hit him in the chest with a quick jab to the chest. He stepped back and raised an eyebrow at her. She knew he was testing her. He didn't want to hurt her. He was sizing up her skills. Before too long he began to fight a little harder and she smirked, grateful for the challenge. This went on for about an hour or two before she found herself tiring out. She was ready to get warmed up inside.

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