Chapter 1

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Hey, guys. Well, you wanted a sequel and you got it! Huzzah! Anyway, I just wanted to give you a warning, so here it is.

WARNING: This book will have much more gore and sexual content than the previous story. You have been warned.

Also, of you haven't read P.S. I'm a Creature, I suggest you do because you might get lost at some details and plot points in the book.

Anyway, enjoy the story!



"Under the Experiment Bill, all humans who show a hint of power, no matter how small, shall turn themselves into the federal government within one week. If not, force will be used, and, if necessary, that person will be executed."

The crowd cheered as the President explained the new law, his face covered in a smile full of pride and an aura full of confidence. He felt as if he had done the right thing. This bill was necessary to protect everyone in the nation, and, maybe, even the world. People who had power that couldn't be controlled had to be contained. It seemed like an obvious choice.

But, there was someone who looked on with disgust. He stared as the crowd started to congratulate the president on his responsible decision. They showered him with cookie-cutter compliments and handshakes, oblivious to the fact that they were persecuting an entire population. Pats on the backs and invites to dinner was the reply to the destruction of his kind. No one even gave a single rejection. No one suggested that maybe the bill was too harsh. No one...

His hands gripped the edge of the bed as the camera started to peer away from the scene and return to the news where an anchor women began to describe what they just saw with her caked-on face and forced smile.

The Experiment Bill: the new law against super humans and the like. Any human showing power must turn themselves in or face death.

The man would say he felt shocked at the news, that this type of act seemed too inhuman for people to do, but he knew the government wouldn't turn a blind eye at the horror which happened ten years ago. Three hundred soldiers found dead at a government supported lab; two hundred and six still unidentified. Not to mention the many dead experiments which were treated as lesser news, most of them just children.

When he saw the pictures of all the bodies, after the illness had subsided, he had thrown up. It felt as if every horror, every nightmare that he had for the past twenty four years, had been shoved in his face.

It felt disgusting.

"Are you still watching that dumb law thing? It has been over five years since it was announced." His partner mumbled, his hand reaching out from under the silk covers, and touching the other's bare back as he stared at the television.

"It's not dumb. It affects you, too."

"Yeah, but I can't die like that. Or have you forgotten, Viktor?"

Viktor turned to look at Aaron, his red eyes gleaming under the light from the television. His skin had gotten paler over the years. Life on the run was stressful, causing the man to lose the color from his skin, along with his white hair.

Aaron once joked that Viktor was a vampire, inside and out. At first, he laughed at the comparison, but, soon, he started to see that image as well. He had become a monster that only came from fairy tales and scary movies; a real-life Count Dracula.

"Come here. Get away from the television." Aaron said, his arms outstretched.

With no hesitation, Viktor crawled towards the other man. Even with all the crap he had to march through while being with Aaron, he couldn't deny the fact that he needed him. He needed someone to hurt and cut. He needed blood, and Aaron was the only possible candidate. He couldn't die. He didn't mind the pain. There was also the problem that only he and Aaron were immortal...

Dear Darkness (Book 2 - P.S. I'm A Creature)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora