Chapter 5

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If Viktor had to choose a word to describe himself; it'd be red. Red seemed to control his every movement. Red was all he could see and all he could touch. Red...was something he actually enjoyed. Maybe it was the rich color or the fact that it felt like the softest silk on his skin, but when he became enriched in it, it felt amazing...and he hated that.

He let out a soft groan as he wiped his hand across his bloodied mouth in an attempt to clean himself, though it only seemed to make it worse. He could taste the copper from the red liquid and he could feel its warmth cover his body like a blanket. Was it strange he liked this more than sex itself?

"Aaron..." Viktor muttered as he stared down at the torn open man. His chest was split apart and his ribs were revealed against his flesh, but a smile was still plastered against his face. "You alive?"

He reached down to shove his hand inside the hole before pulling out a handful of red flesh that dripped down his fingers. It was like art in his eyes. Blood always seemed to take a beautiful form when it was left exposed.

"You already know that answer..." Aaron muttered as he wrapped his legs around the other man. He pulled down Viktor towards him for a bloody kiss before biting off a chunk of his lip. "Still thinking I'll die one of these days?"

"A man can only dream..." Viktor muttered and he slid his tongue across the large gash on his lip left by his partner. "I'm done for today." He pushed away from Aaron and stood up in all of his naked glory.

"Already?" Aaron laughed and rolled over so he laid on his open stomach. "That was fast. Are you getting old, Vicky?"

Viktor snorted and walked towards the bathroom. "I don't exactly find pleasure in having sex while tearing you apart." It was a lie. He enjoyed causing Aaron pain, but it was never enough. He always wanted more, and that actually scared him.

"Viktor," Aaron called with his voice no longer holding a playful tone, "We aren't finished. You are being punished."

"I already am punished. Cursed to be near you for all of eternity is enough punishment for me." Viktor looked at himself in the mirror, frowning when he saw the stranger looking back at him.

So much blood covered his body that he didn't need clothes. His red eyes had become dull and his skin looked even paler than usual. Was he always like this? Was he this much of a monster?

"Viktor, come here." Aaron tried to distract him from his reflection, but instead Viktor went to the task of fiddling with the shower. "I won't ask again."

Silence was the only reply Aaron received. He could hear the sound of the running water, but knew Viktor had yet to step inside. He knew he was waiting, contemplating whether to go back to him or clean himself of the mess he made. This...was not acceptable. He was growing rebellious.

Viktor gasped slightly as he felt to hands wrap themselves around his waist. They felt cold, and thin. It wasn't Aaron's arms. These arms felt dead.

"Aaron?" Viktor muttered as he turned around to face him. His eyes widened in horror as he saw Kenny looking back at him with his green and blue eyes.

His face was thin and pale as if he hadn't eaten in years and his blonde hair was unruly and thin like wire. This...this couldn't be Kenny. Kenny was dead. He was gone, but he was face to face with him and it made his chest hurt.

"Aaron. Change back." Viktor growled and backed away from the man who looked like he came back from the dead.

"What's wrong, Viktor? Can't handle facing the truth?" Ken- Aaron tilted his head to the side and stepped closer. "Want to hurt me again? I know you do." A sick smile formed on his thin face, revealing a pair of bloody teeth. "Come on, Viktor. Put another one right between my eyes."

Dear Darkness (Book 2 - P.S. I'm A Creature)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ