Chapter 2

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Welcome back to the sequel Dear Darkness! I hoped it's coming out good for you guys!
By the way, I am receiving requests for drawings of the characters. The one right now was asked my by friend who said "It'd be really cute to see Viktor getting ready for winter, even though he can't feel the cold." So, here it is.
If you have any requests, message me and, if you want and it gets chosen, tell me if you want your username revealed! Thanks!



Viktor had been walking for what seemed like a few minutes, but were actually hours. He could see the sun start to move away towards the large skyscrapers in the west, leaving only a streak of pink and orange in its wake.

The business people in their stuffy suits and uncomfortable shoes began to disappear. In their place were people of the night; jewelry on their faces and band names on their shirts. The rebels who most people avoided came out to play and Viktor didn't mind it one bit.

Viktor should have started to head back to Aaron, but he decided against it. This was his only time that he actually had away from him. He knew that if he returned, Aaron will immediately keep him on a tight leash again for the next year or so.

He's like a jail warden, he thought to himself as he walked the dark streets of the city.

The lamp posts illuminated his face as he looked ahead, causing his red eyes to gleam softly. The people around him stared as if they were hypnotized by the strange color within his irises.

Viktor always struggled with the unnatural color within his eyes. He assumed that someone would immediately turn him in to the government, saying that a strange man with red eyes was walking around the neighborhood like a predator, probably one of those bad guys they saw on the news.

He waited for many years for it to happen, but it never did. He assumed it was because people believed him to be a punk; wearing colored contacts to rebel against the norm and dyeing his hair white to stand out. It was ideas like those that he was grateful that people had that style.

I still think you look like a monster.

Viktor immediately tensed up at the sound of a voice. He was used to hearing the sounds of the past like a scream or a beg, but this voice was new. Its words were not something he was used to hearing.

Now you look like a confused child.

"Who are you?" Viktor muttered, his attention going from building to building to see if there was anyone of suspicion.

I'll make this easy for you. You see that alleyway near the bar?

His eyes roamed around until he noticed the bright neon sign that laid on top of a bustling bar.

"The Olive Branch?" He asked as he cautiously crossed the road to the other side.


Viktor knew it was stupid to trust a random voice in his head, but, then again, what was the worse that could happen? He couldn't die. Not to mention that he went completely psycho to the point where he avoided anyone decent. The only thing he actually feared was himself.

As he entered the dark alleyway, Viktor felt a familiar chill prick down his neck. He frowned at the sudden cold feeling. It was suppose to be 82 degrees out, but here he was; a fog forming in front of his face as he exhaled.

"Fro-" Before his word could even be finished, Viktor was slammed against the farthest wall. Ice surrounded his body like a cocoon, hugging him tightly. The bricks in front of him had broken from the force and created a spiderweb of cracks from his body.

Dear Darkness (Book 2 - P.S. I'm A Creature)Where stories live. Discover now