Chapter 4

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"Fucking shit! Fuck!" Darvin screamed in pain as he banged his head back onto the metal table. "I'm going to kill that fucking- Terrence! Ow!"

Terrence rolled his eyes and slowed his finger down on Darvin's stomach wound. The bleeding had stopped long ago and only the smell of burning flesh remained. The flame flickering on the edge of his nail was lowered in intensity and the heat subsided.

"I can't heal you any faster if you keep complaining that it hurts. Of course it hurts. You were kabobbed in the stomach."

"And that doesn't hurt as much as your awful healing." Darvin grit his teeth and glared at the ceiling.

"So was that the crazy guy? The one that ate your friend?" Terrence took a chance to glance up at Darvin's face before looking back down at the wound he was burning shut.

"Yeah. I had forgotten how crazy he was. He still had that look in his eye..." Darvin muttered, sighing softly as he felt Terrence stop.

"Vamp didn't seem afraid of him. It was more like...he was a parent annoyed at their child. Why does he stay with that guy?"


Viktor ate Kenny. He was influenced by a poison made from his father and followed Aaron's word like law. Any other time, and Viktor would have died rather than end Kenny's life.

"Well, I don't know how you and Frost could put your trust in that guy." Terrence looked at the long burn mark he had formed on Darvin before looking back down at his own hands. "Sure, telekinesis is pretty strong, but-"

Darvin waved his hand in the air, a sign for the other man to shut up. "We don't need to trust him. We know he'll end up doing the right thing."

"Faith can be a very dangerous thing." He stared at the closed wound with a sigh before moving away. "I just don't want you two to be disappointed if things don't go your way."

"Frost isn't stupid. She'll know what to do." Darvin said it matter-of-factly. He always put his blind trust in her, the cripple who went in guns blazing and ended up yet still being confined to as far as a chair took her.

When Terrence first joined the group, he never thought life would be so...boring. It seemed like Frost wants everyone to take everyone on suicide missions, and immediately retreats when the battle gets too hard.

After a few years of doing the same routine, it's gotten pretty old.

That is, until he saw the red eyes of Viktor. He could see a lot of trauma in those eyes, a lot of hate. Viktor seemed to be the only person in this whole damn world who truly knew what it means to go through hell.

As did Terrence. He knew the horrors that were hidden away in the labs. He knew the cries for mercy and the hope that would come from death, and he wasn't even there for long.

He still held the mark of hell. The "155" seemed to always stare back at him like a demon until the point where he clawed that skin from his forearm. Now, all that was left was the faint memory of it from the scar he created and the black faded ink.

"How's Darvin?" Frost broke Terrence away from his thoughts, earning her a soft sigh.

"He's still as lively as ever. He complained the whole time, but whatever." Terrence crossed his arms and glanced at Frost's grim look. "Who died?"

"It's just...seeing Darvin like that, near death, truly reminded how dangerous this all is. I have these contradicting feelings of wanting to go above and beyond, and also wanting to keep everyone safe in a bubble.

"Viktor was -- is, an extremely powerful person, and if he doesn't join-"

"If he doesn't, then we don't need him." Terrence interjected. "And I don't blame him either. The guy is immortal, and seems to be doing pretty well for himself. I wouldn't be so merry to join an impending war that I was good at avoiding."

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