Chapter 3

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Viktor stared awkwardly at the people in front of him, while they stared right back. The air seemed so tense, he was sure he could cut it like butter. ""

"Shut up." Darvin glared at the white-haired man, his black eyes almost melting holes within him. "I don't want you to talk right now."

Viktor nodded and sighed, staring down at the table that stood between them. It had been so long, but the anger felt so fresh. He didn't blame them though. He was still hating himself after all these years.

"Darvin, calm down. Viktor, sit down." Frost rolled her wheelchair to the empty spot on the table while the odd man out sat in the farthest seat.

He took a glance at the man that used to be the negative one of them all. Darvin didn't wear eyeliner anymore nor did he have his skinny figure and black hair. He looked...more civil, especially with his blue suit and tie.

"I can see you've really cleaned up." Viktor muttered, taking a chance at speaking.

"And I can see you're still the little shit head from before." Darvin spat back, his hands clenched tightly on the table.

If it wasn't for Frost, I would have killed you right now.

Viktor gave a soft chuckle. It seemed like Darvin became stronger. Before, he had to physically touch someone just to enter their mind. But...that was nothing.

"I know you're angry, and I know nothing I say will make up for it, but can you at least-"

"No! You killed him!"

"I know I did! I don't need you and Elsa here to remind me that I killed Kenny."

Darvin tensed up at the name of his dead friend, gritting his teeth for a moment before he shook his head. "Kenny wasn't the only one you killed..."

Viktor frowned. He glanced at Frost who simply sighed at the words. She reached out and squeezed Darvin's shoulder before looking at the confused man.

"Kenny...didn't come back to life all by himself. He...borrowed, you could say, the soul of someone else...another close friend of ours."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about Jake! He died along with Kenny." Darvin's entire body shook. He was close to tears, but it seemed like he would be able to hold himself together.

Jake? Why did that name sound familiar. Jake...

That's when it clicked. He remembered the brown haired teenager who was within Kenny's clique. They never spoke, but now he realized that the guy had a bigger role than he thought.

"What...what do you mean he died along with Kenny?" Viktor asked as he looked between Darvin and Frost. The air was practically suffocating him, and it made his hairs stand on edge. Pretty soon, he would have to run out of here and to Aaron.

Frost rubbed Darvin's back, a sign that she would talk. "He was a creature. His power was the ability to inject his soul into anything, living or dead, for a limited amount of time. When we went to go find you and you...killed Kenny, Jake didn't have enough time to escape and was destroyed as well."

Viktor's eyes widened in horror as he realized what he had done. Before...he had to live with the terrible thought of what he had done to Kenny, but now...

"I'm sorry..." He muttered, knowing full well it wouldn't make up for anything he had done.

"Take that sorry and shove it up your-"

"Whoa, Darvin. You kiss your mother with that mouth?" An unfamiliar voice appeared behind Viktor, causing the man to quickly turned around at the stranger.

Dear Darkness (Book 2 - P.S. I'm A Creature)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant