Chapter 6

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"So what would you say has been the worst for you? The experiments or the utter loneliness?" Frost glanced at Terrence as he sat quietly in the chair across from her.

The room was cold and held only the sound of a broken a/c struggling to heat up the small room.

Terrence's long black hair covered a malnourished face with many cuts and skin dirtied by ash and mud. His fingers gently tapped themselves together from anxiety and his knees trembled slightly out of pure nerves.

"Are those my only options?" His voice came out in a soft croak, almost inaudible behind the loud rumbling of the cooling machine. "I could handle the experiments. I could handle the needles and the scalpels, and I could handle the nights alone in my bed with nothing to keep me company except my shadow..."

"Then what has made you so angry?" Frost tilted her head as she stared at the man with deep blue eyes.

"I am not angry..." He muttered with a slow careful tone. "I-I just hate this. All of this. I hate how they took my freedom from me. I hated the screams my kind made as they were tortured behind walls I couldn't look through. I hated their sobs of mercy before they cried in pain." He grit his teeth. "FINE! I'M ANGRY!"

Frost didn't flinch when she saw the fire burst from Terrence's hands and start to dance across his fingers and skin. She didn't feel uncomfortable in his presence and that made the man feel at ease. He was used to having people try to restrain him and make him obey.

"Do you want to join the fight for good?" Frost tilted her head. "I developed a team. It's a bit small right now, but I know it will grow soon. Join us in our fight to help our kind. I want nothing more than to free all Experiments and live in harmony with everyone, normals and all."

The teen snorted in disbelief and looked away. "How can I follow someone who doesn't bear the mark of hell?" He put his hand over the black number tattooed over his forearm. "You don't know the suffering we went through nor have the knowledge of it all, but you still act as if you can lead? You can't even stand on your own."

Frost sighed and gave a small nod in agreement. It was quiet for a moment, mostly from her trying to come up with a proper reply. The silence was suffocating in those few minutes it took to talk.

"...Then teach me. Help me in my fight."

"And if I refuse?" He glared at her. "I finally have my freedom. I finally have the chance to leave my past behind and start anew. What makes you think I'll throw it away to join your ranks?"

She sighed again. "Then you can not be angry at what is being done to your fellow Experiments or Creatures in the future. Those who do nothing have no right to share their input or opinion. You say you hate it, their cries and screams, yet you say you want to abandon them for a small chance at a normal life. That sound hypocritical to me. You can't complain of the injustices of life if all you will be doing is hiding in the shadows like a coward."

Terrence looked at Frost, trying to figure out her poker face. She was older than him by only a year, but they were both just teenagers, kids in the eyes of many people. Not to mention the fact that the girl who believes herself to be a leader is bound to a wheelchair. Is this really the last hope they have?

Dear Darkness (Book 2 - P.S. I'm A Creature)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu