Chapter 4

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  Chapter 4

~ Jordan P.O.V~

~ 2 days later ~

Monday is a short day at college for me. I started at 10:30 and finished at 12:10pm. Now I've got the whole afternoon to chill.

Jaydon had free periods until after lunch so he told me to meet him at the bus stop. We've been hanging out a lot and I can truly say that he's my bro.

I waited for him there but he was taking long so I pulled my phone out and searched for music on my phone and then plugged my earphones in when i picked the Stormzy song I wanted.

" Yo fam." I paused my music and dapped Jaydon. He was standing with Brianna who gave me an awkward smile. Even though she violated me, I still find her buff. I'll fully move her still.

" Yo ... Brianna had sutten to say." He told me and nudged her to speak.

" I know its been a while but i'm sorry for the way I was acting and what I was saying that day." She apologised. I accepted it and weirdly she gave me a hug.

Her smell was peng, she smelt like Cherry flavoured sweets. She pulled away and I made my smirk vanish so that she couldn't see how gassed I was.

Jaydon, Brianna and I got the bus to Clapham Common Park, I don't know why but Jaydon wanted to get off here.

We walked into the park and Jaydon found a hidden area. He pulled out a bag full of weed from his pouch and instantly started to roll it up.

I was getting nervous and I didn't know why. I mean I've tried a cigarette out of curiosity, but never weed.

He lit it with the lighter and inhaled and exhaled a couple of times- escaping a lot of smoke from his mouth.

He passed it to Brianna and I watched her delicate fingers hold the spliff like a pro and she put it in between her parted plump lips and inhaled a deep pull, held it and the let it out.

I didn't find it disgusting. Watching her smoke gave me a tingly feeling. How can a girl make smoking look so peng? It wasnt the fact that she was smoking, but how she looked when she was doing it.She held eye contact with me , exhaled thick swirling smoke in my direction and then passed it to Jaydon.

" You hitting this?" He asked me. I shrugged , but took it anyways.

" Don't kill yourself." She laughed at the long pull I did.

" Hold it in bruh, basically swallow it." Jaydon told me. I wanted to choke but I firmed it. Can't be choking in front of Brianna.

If Aunty Felecia saw me right now or even Amarni, they'd kill me.

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