Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

~ Amarni P.O.V ~

I pulled Chanel out of that bath water so quick!

The sight of her body drowning scared the living daylights out of me.

She was actually trying to kill herself?

Naah. We've been through so much for her to just leave like that. I don't condone suicide at all. However , I do take the blame for majority of her mental state because I chose not to be there for her when I should have.

I dialled 999 on my phone and called an ambulance straight away.

Her eyes were half closed and her body felt light in my arms. I need to make sure that she is okay, i mean she is breathing and choking but i need to be sure.

I felt like I was watching my heart crumble in the palm of my hands.

I could have lost my wife.

I held her fragile body in my arms and stared at her features. Her big greenish hazel eyes, her cute button nose and her heart-shaped lips that I missed kissing. God she's beautiful !

Her lips smelled like alcohol though - so i'm guessing that she's drunk. That explains it.

She was looking back at me, but with misty, glass eyes which was symbolic to how fragile she is.

" You're back?" She asked above a whisper and clutched onto my chest. Her eyes were still barely open.I embraced her and pulled her in even more.

It felt bittersweet.

Like it feels so good to be FREE, yes I said it FREE! But to come home to this is devastating.

Imagine I was still in prison. She would have been dead in the bath.

I'm gonna thank whoever left the front door open, otherwise I would not have been able to get in.

This was suppose to be a surprise. I didn't tell anybody that Trevor confessed and that I was released earlier today after going through that long a** court process.

They had no evidence to actually prove that I had killed Jermz, but they did for Trevor because he was the one that actually held the lighter.

I was basically arrested by default as I see it because of some snitches *cough* Quiana and Paige or who ever it was that lied.

I rubbed my thumb along her wrist and she kept on flinching. She's been cutting herself again, I can tell.

I need to get her some help, like a therapist. Heck, I think I need one to after all of this.

" No need to worry babe, I've got you." I told her. She tried to speak but she started to choke and I patted her back.

" Don't speak, just listen." I said in a calm voice.

" Chanel, I love you so much and to think that I was about to lose you is breaking my heart. If you were gone, I would have a mental breakdown, especially if I was still locked up. I want you to realise how much I love you, how much Alaya loves you and the value that you hold in our lives." I spoke from my heart.

She gave me a slow weak smile and I kissed her forehead.

I placed her downstairs on the sofa and the ambulance came soon after. They took her into the Van to do some check ups on her.

" She'll be fine." The doctor smiled. I told them that she fell asleep in the bath , so that they didn't think that she drowned herself.

" You have some strong lungs." The nurse joked. Chanel and I laughed a little.

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