Chapter Three |A New Lover?|

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Joker's Point of View

I saw this and started to jump when I had seen this. There was so much joy that was inside of my body I couldn't hold it in. The excitement! She shot at Batman! Sure it didn't penetrate his armor but still; she had shot at Batman! My life long dream was to see this man suffer! Then again, I knew Bats and I were made for one another. I make him stronger. Besides, he doesn't want to kill me. That means to tell you something.

"Quincy! Quinn!" I shouted for my sidekick. She came skipping inside the room and put her arm around my shoulder. I was looking a the monitor in disbelief seeing that someone so innocent had actually had the guts to shoot at Batman! Of course the man just stood there and let the girl hold the gun. She was so pretty though.

"Who's that?" Quin asks with a snap of her gum. I roll my eyes and shove her away. Sometimes she can be annoying. How can she not see the beauty in this person? She takes a step forward with the gun in her hand and gets closer to the idiot who was just standing there. I wanted her to shoot him till he bled. Maybe keep killing him until there was no blood left inside of him.

"What do you want?" Batman asked her. Quinn kept talking but I kept on ignoring her. She had threw the gun and grabbed her backpack and slung it over her shoulder. She looked up at him and smirked.

"You dead." She says before going onto the street of people. Batman quickly left when he had heard the sirens wailing. Commissioner Gordon was going to be there soon. He was going to father her finger prints and she was going to be the new person Batman was going to hunt down. I clicked a few strokes on the keyboard and asked Harley to keep an eye on her while I left out of the room to create a bomb.

I needed to get this girls attention. 

Before anyone else, of course.

Ruby's Point of View

I walked home after the encounter of Batman.

He was scary, in a way. He was more scary then Scarecrow could ever been, even on his worst day. I didn't care about it though. I was keeping an eye out for the Bats. I knew how he was. He could of bugged me or had surveillance on me. I watched him when he was fighting with Joker. Turning everyone's phone into some kind of Bluetooth. He said that he was for the people but I didn't believe that. I was on Joker's side with all of this. I was all for Joker.

Which is why I am looking for him.

Planning for him.

I got to the crummy apartment that I had lived in and opened the doors. To ensure that Batman would come into my trap, I was going to have to harm myself and also my parents. Sure, I was willing to do it. They didn't mean much to me since they were just strangers. Since we had moved here, my father told me and my mother last night why we had actually moved here. It wasn't just because of the money but because my father was getting married.

He told this to us when we arrived into our apartment.

I tried to shove it back into my mind but the words of Joker kept rushing through my mind. I had watched YouTube clips of him. A lot of them were band off of the internet of course but in Gotham, you can find just about anything. Which was the scary part. In that high school, the teachers were scared of the students. The students ruled the school.

The thing about chaos is that it's there.

There isn't much we can do about the chaos that is around us. Like he said, we are the agents of chaos. I consider myself to be one of them.

When I came home, I saw my mother kneeling on the kitchen floor crying, holding her head in her hands. I rushed over to her and I too knelt beside her and asked her what had happened. She began to tell me the story about how dad just got up and walked out. Talked about his wife like she was nothing. Packed up his bags and left us. She handed me the note that he had written. This had been on a napkin from the plane ride. I grabbed that note and stood. I squeezed my hand together so that the napkin was crumpled in my hand.

My father had always been cheating on her.

"Don't worry about it momma." I whispered. I gathered my backpack and left the house looking for help.

Not for Batman either.

For, the Joker.

This isn't going to be easy but I didn't care. I wanted my father caught, destroyed, killed slowly and without mercy. Joker was the man for the job. I went down the alley where I was. I found the dead man laying there. There was no cops who had went to pick him up. No one knew about him. No one knew about me shooting at Batman. I knelt down beside the man and picked through his pockets. Rummaging through. My heart was racing. I was going to find Joker and I was going to make him kill my father. The images of my father talking to anyone, touching anyone else besides my mother filled me up with rage. How can he do this to us? How could he have been cheating on my mother for so long?

Tears streamed down my face the more I had thought about it.

He was going to pay for it.

"What are you doing here, little girl?" I was able to grab the man's wallet and stuff it into my pocket. I turned around and saw someone standing there. He was wearing a dirty white suite. He was tall and lengthy.

"What's it to you?" I asked.

The man tipped his hat and smiled big, "Just wondering why a little girl-"

"I am not little," I announced to him, "I am eighteen years old,"

"Even better," He smirked, "Now tell me. Why are you here?" He asks with his head tilted a little. I knew that it was the Joker. I know that he was with me. I could tell because of the pale skin that he couldn't hide. His dark green hair falling onto his face. Even though he had gotten off the red lipstick on his lips, I still saw the scared smile on his cheeks. I couldn't help but smile on the inside.

"If I tell you, I'd have to kill you," I chuckled at the man who gave a smile. His eyes twinkled.

"Now that bet, I am willing to take. Dear one."

I gave a small smile there and looked at the dead guy. I went to the street again and picked up his weapon and held the gun in my hand. Joker stood there leaning against the wall. I held the gun in my hand. Feeling the power of it firing at Batman. I had finally shot at him. If only I could find my father and put the bullet in his head myself. I looked to Joker and came closer to him. Pulling the hammer back, making him back into the ally a little bit more with a death grin on his face. I put the gun under his chin and he put his hands in surrender.

"Now, now, you don't want to kill me, do you?" He questioned.

"No, I have use for you." I told him. I pulled the trigger and there was nothing there. Joker winced but started to laugh his laugh.

"Look at you! Young and feisty. Uncle J likey,"

I smirked and got closer to him, coming to his ear and whispered:

"I was lover."

There was a shiver down Joker's body.

"As you well know, new girl, that I have a lover." He admitted. I shook my head and pulled the gun away from him. I set it in my back waste band and told him that I was ashamed. But, that didn't stop me from telling me the plan that I had for my betraying father who needed to die. I had vengeance in my heart for my father. Hurting my mother like he had. I didn't want him to live after that. Joker could see that in my yes though. He saw the pain. He put his hand on my shoulder and told me to fallow him. Which I did. I fallowed him to the back alley were he opened the back door to a warehouse that used to be a jail prison.

I wondered how Batman didn't know about this place.

"Why aren't you in prison, yet?" I asked bringing my hand against the wall. I wasn't at all nervous. I was actually pretty excited to be in here. I didn't know Joker would have been so willing to bring me into his lair.

"What are sidekicks for?" He asks with a chuckle, "Besides." He turned by the heel and put his hands together with an evil smirk, "Especially for this," He mutters.

I heard her giggle and there was a hard blow against my head.

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