Chapter Four |Meeting A-Team|

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"Oh Lord, I'm in the Avengers headquarters!" I exclaim at Steve. He rolls his eyes and opens the door for me. I thanked him and walked past only for him to pull me back in a sudden jerk since there was someone coming down the main hall. I didn't know how I was in here anyways without Mr. One Eye seeing me. Captain America, or Steve, must have been good at sneaking people around. He did, however, come from the World War II era. 

"I'm getting busted for this." He mumbles, but I ignore him and drink in all the sights. Seeing all this technology around was making my body create goose bumps but just knowing that I was in here with Steve and the rest of the crew was more exciting. What was nerve wracking though was the thought about seeing my father for the first time. I wanted to back down but I knew that I was to far now to just give up. I was already here and Steve was already trying not to get me killed.

When we reached to Bruce Banners lab, which he shared with my father, Black Widow was there. She raises her eyebrows as soon as I come in sight.

"Oh my gersh." I whisper in silent admiration at the gorgeous woman in front of me.

"Uh....Steve..." She begins. He holds up a hand.

"I know. Just don't tell Nick." He begs. I spin around, facing him again with a small gasp.

"Nick Fury?! Can I meet him?" I shrieked with excitement. I can't believe that I am here with the Avengers.

"No!" Black Widow and Steve exclaim at the same time. I couldn't help but giggle at that.

"I wonder what would happen in we put Thor's hammer in the elevator." Tony Stark says to Bruce Banner as they enter the room, but both stop dead in their tracks when they see me.

"What's she doing here?" Tony asks, pointing at me and looking at Bruce then at Window. But when he looks at Steve, Steve just sighs. I was totally freaking out on the inside. Here was my father, standing here in the flesh and blood amongst the worlds most amazing super heroes.

"Your even more gorgeous in person." I state, looking at Thor. He laughs heartily.

"I like this girl, from whence has she come?" He asks Steve. Steve hesitated to give an explanation.

"OK, it's not his fault. I blackmailed him." I finally explain. Tony's snort fills the room.

"No I'm serious. I hacked Jarvis and..."

Tony face twists in confusion and surprise, but then he laughs and smacks his knee.

"That's funny," He looks at Bruce Banner. "She's funny." The he looks at me.

"Your a riot." He whispers, squinting his eyes. I cross my arms.

"Wanna bet? I could do it again, right here, right now."

Everyone looks at him. His eyes squint more.

"Who are you?!"

"Your daughter. Hi dad." My smile returns and I do a small wave. 

Everyone looks at him again, a bit more surprised.

"Well this evening is certainly packed full of surprises." Widow mumbles, crossing her arms and popping her hip to the side.

"By the way, I love you." I whisper to her. She gives me a strange look before Tony finally speaks.

"What?! How is that possible?! I don't have a child!" He yells. Growling, I pull my birth certificate out of my book bag, knowing he'd say that.

"Here. See for yourself. And how would you know? Your the king of one-night stands aren't you?" I scoff.

"Ouch," Steve chuckles, trying to hide his smile by covering his mouth with his hand as he tucks his other hand under his armpit.

Tony glares at me again before scanning the paper. His expression melts into shock.



"I'm a father." He groans. Thor's face lights up as he smacks Tony's back.

"Congratulations, Stark." His booming laugh fills the room, making me laugh.
Tony groans again and massages his forehead.

"What's your mother's name?"

"Carrie. But....she' died when I was little."

His head jerks up.

"Who raised you?"

"I was in and out of different homes."

A hint of guilt is in his eyes, but he tries not to show it.

"Who in God's name is that?" A booming voice says from the door. Steve's eyes squeeze shut.

Oh my word, it's Nick Fury!! I spin around and a huge grin is plastered to my face.

"" I whisper the last part and giggle uncontrollably. Nick growls and looks at everyone who quickly points at Steve. I didn't hesitate to go up to the man. Sure Steve was trying to keep me back but I moved my arm from his gasp. I had been waiting way to long to meet Nick Furry in person. He was a lot more interesting then my father would ever be.

"I have wanted to meet you for so long! I've been through all the books, and stuff on the internet about you. I'm honored!" I shake his hand over and over again until he let's go.

"And, who might you be?" He asks. I notice him putting his hand into his pocket slowly and him cocking his head to the side just a little. I knew that Tony was looking at me. I felt his eyes on me. It was weird to be here with the Avengers and then just suddenly blurt out that he was my father. It was awkward but I was trying to hide it. On the inside, under all of this excitement, I wanted to run to Tony and hug him tightly. I missed not having a father around. Then seeing him being around with all these people all my life. Seeing him have his own company, hearing about his many achievements. People often wondered why I didn't hate him, if they believed me of course, but my answer was simple.

He just doesn't know I exist.

"Jasper Stark." I answer, extending a hand. Nick's eyebrow raises as he looks at Tony and shakes my hand. He has a grin on his face. He keeps glancing at me and then at Tony. He must have seen the resemblance in our faces and stature.

"'s a pleasure to meet you, Jasper, and welcome to the Avenger's headquarters."

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