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I have always liked school. I love learning new things and meeting new people. But this past year has been hell. Year 11 was filled with people who think it's funny to hit someone and tease them for anything at all. You could get teased for doing something wrong one time and it would stick with you for the rest of your school life. This year I have managed to adopt a new style of getting through school, which is generally staying out of everyone's way and doing my own thing with my best friend, Danni.

We've been best friends for so many years and people have come and gone, but we've always stuck together, we're more like sisters now. My wall at home is just completely full of Polaroids of  our adventures together. Like the time that we went to go and find our favourite band one day and just ended up seeing them from a distance, but it was enough because we ended up having an amazing day. Or the time we went to Spain with school in Year 9.

Year 11 was good for us, we had tended to stick together at all times. Through broken friendships with others and heartbreaks, we have always been at each other's side, ready with a tub of ice cream and two spoons. We just knew we would always be best friends.

This year will be better. Starting sixth form is the time where people who don't want to be at school have left, and everyone is starting fresh and everyone is in the same boat. As usual, Danni and I would start the school day would begin with facetiming each other while we got ready. If it was a usual school day she might have been sleeping over at mine, because she hates being at home and at this point my parents are basically hers too. She has 3 sisters and 2 brothers and her parents have never minded her being here all the time. It was the first day and it was safe to say that I was terrified.
"Fuck Danni what if it's like Year 11 all over again?" I panic, flipping through my wardrobe for something to wear.
"It'll be fine Grace don't stress, and we have each other anyway so it's fine. You'll always have me and I'll always have you." Danni says, carefully applying her mascara in the camera of her phone.
"Okay, okay." I concede. I pull out a pair of ripped skinny jeans and slip them on, then I decide on a big, dark blue jumper to wear over the top and I adjust my brown hair in the mirror before tying up the top half, spritzing it with hairspray in an attempt to tame the fly away hairs. I carefully apply the lipstick I bought last week, patting it with a tissue and make sure I have all my school stuff packed. I've bought a dark red folder to take with me for most of my lessons, but I won't take it in today, I'll wait until I've got my timetable. I unplug my phone from the charger and grab the cable and my portable charger and my headphones at the same time.
"I'll see you at school, I've gotta set off now," I say to Danni while grabbing my keys off my dresser and pulling on my black jacket.
"Okay see you soon," She replied, kissing the screen and I blew her a kiss and clicked the hang up button. I ran downstairs and grabbed a chocolate crepe before I walked out of the door, shouting a quick bye to my mum before shutting it behind me.

The walk to school isn't long for me, it's only about 5 songs before I walk through the gates and look around at all the younger years. This morning I would find out who's form I'm in. I wonder who I'll be with. The forms are posted on a board in the front entrance. I'm not with Danni; that's annoying. My form room is in the Geography block so I started to walk up the stairs and along the corridor.

My form tutor is nice enough. Miss Mackenzie in Geography is a young teacher with dark hair who will give you a piece of chocolate and bit of life advice if you need it. I suddenly remembered that she puts people into a seating plan though. Something about wanting form time to be a place to meet new people and make new friends... etc. On the bright side, I won't be sitting alone.

I pushed open the door just as the bell rang to get to form and Miss Mackenzie was stood at the front holding a sheet of paper with what I assumed was the seating plan on it. I walked up to the front with a newfound confidence.
"Hi Miss." I smiled.
"Grace! Aren't lucky to have you in my form again?" She smiled at me, showing all her pearly white teeth. "You're sat at the front here next to Luke."

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