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We danced for hours, our legs aching and our voices hurting from yelling the lyrics to all the songs. Many drinks and many laughs later, the clock was striking 2am and the party was beginning to die down.

"Do you guys wanna get out of here? We can just go to mine now and watch movies." I suggested, although I was loving the attention I was getting from Luke, I felt like it was time to head back home.

"Yeah sure but we need to find Ashton first." Calum said.
"I'll go find him." Michael said, stumbling up from where he was laying in my lap to go and get him. "You guys get your shit together and meet me out the front."

Luke was currently complaining loudly about how hungry he was and I giggled, pulling him up with me and walking out with Calum and Danni. We were standing outside the huge house still buzzing with people in the cold wind, and I was just glad that it wasn't raining.

I crossed my arms over my body, the cold air biting at my skin. Luke shrugged off his jacket and slipped it over my shoulders, pulling me close to his side. I felt a blush creep up my neck and I smiled up at him. I was seriously developing a crush on this guy.

We waited outside for five minutes, and occasionally Danni and Calum would just laugh together about something for other. I really wanted that to work out with them and Calum was so jealous earlier I knew he liked her. It was kind of cute.

"Can we stop at Sainsbury's for food on the way home?" Luke asked.
"Luke it's two in the morning. No shops are open at this time." I laughed.

"Mmh but food sounds so good right now." Luke said, gazing off into the distance.  Suddenly, Michael and Ashton fell out of the house, Michael laughing hysterically and Ashton bright red and holding his jacket in front of his body.

"You guys okay?" Luke chuckled, raising his eyebrows at Ashton's jacket.
"Yeah..." Ashton began.
"Ash just got sucked off in a bathroom worth more than everything he owns put together." Michael blurted out.
"Dude! You literally just said you wouldn't tell anyone!" Ashton said.
"I know but I just couldn't keep it in anymore." Michael said excitedly.

"Okay whatever, let's just go." Ashton said, adjusting his jacket and blushing. We set off walking but it was a bit of a struggle because everyone was drunk and everything was hilarious. I loved the comfort of Luke's jacket around me, even if it was far too big for me. He was pottering alongside me as we walked down the road to my house.

"You look cute in my clothes." Luke said in a quiet tone that only I could hear. My tummy fluttered gently as I smiled at him in the darkness. We eventually reached my house, an hour later, which is confusing because I only live 20 minutes away from where the party was.

All the lights in the house were off, meaning my parents were asleep. I had to turn the torch on my phone on to find our way up the stairs which just resulted in stifled giggles as we tripped up the stairs trying to make as little noise as possible.

The perks of living in the attic is that my parents have a bedroom on the ground floor, and they can't hear a thing from down there. Once we got up to my room, I flung all my duvets, pillows and blankets on the floor and flicked on the TV to whatever was already playing.

Everyone flopped down on the floor onto the huge pile of blankets. Danni and Calum were cuddled up close together and Calum was telling her something in her ear, they seemed to do that a lot. It was like they were in their own little world.

I flicked on the movie channel and sat down with Luke.
"Nooooo..." He whined as some cop movie flickered across the screen. "I want to watch mean girls." He pouted.
"Well then you'll have to get up and find it on that shelf." I said, pointing at an incredibly messy shelf full of DVDs. He seemed to contemplate getting up and looking but eventually settled on watching the shitty police movie.

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