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I woke up in a mess of tangled legs and Luke's face nuzzled into my hair. His arms were wrapped tightly around my side, and as I shuffled in my half asleep state I felt him whine slightly, pulling me closer again. That was so cute.

Danni and Calum were spooning on the other side of the tent and Mikey and Ashton were snuggled close. I seemed to be the only person awake so I sat up, despite a sleeping Luke's best effort.

I pulled off my tshirt and was quickly hunting in my bag for a new one before anyone woke up. I felt Luke shuffle around and turned quickly, pulling a clean tshirt over my head as he rubbed his eyes blearily.
"Wait why did you put your top back on?" He said, smirking sleepily into his pillow as he turned onto his stomach.

"Good morning to you too." I said sarcastically.
"Why are you stripping in front of my three straight male best friends?" Luke asked, laughing to himself quietly. A thought flicked through my head - why didn't he mention himself when asking why I was stripping? Did he want to see me strip?
"They're all asleep. I was getting up to make breakfast." I said, fastening my watch around my wrist.

"Mhmmmm," He groaned. "You're the best." He said, rolling over and going back to sleep. I sat up again, pulling a baggy black hoodie out of Luke's bag. I had stupidly not packed a second jumper and Ashton was currently sleeping on my only one. I slipped off my sleep shorts and turned to check that Luke was sleeping, and surprisingly he was already fast asleep, his tanned back lifting up and down gently. I pulled up my tracksuit bottoms, tied up my converse and climbed out of the tent.

The grass was dewy and the air was clear and chilly. I grabbed the matches and lit the trangea, putting a frying pan on the heat. I went into the food cool bag and grabbed the oil, splashing a bit onto the pan. While I waited for it to heat up, I checked my watch. 9:30am.

As I was cooking the bacon, people slowly began to climb out of the tent. First it was Luke coming to join me. He leant down into the cool bag to grab another trangea and putting a pot of water onto boil for some coffee or tea. As he leant down he gave me a great view of his ass.

My eyes snapped back to the bacon in the pan before he could turn around and notice.
"You look good in my clothes." He said, pulling plates, mugs and cutlery out of the Tesco bag.  "I've said it before and I'll say it again."

The rest of the group stumbled out of the tent at different times, and at varying stages of grumpy morning attitude. Mikey was the last, and the most grumpy. He soon cheered up when he had a plate of bacon and egg down him.

Once breakfast was finished, we decided to take a walk through the countryside, seeing as we had nothing else to do. We packed everything up into the tent and locked the car up. I tied Luke's hoodie around my waist and plaited my hair, slinging my backpack over my shoulder.

As we were walking, Michael had found a giant stick that he named his 'staff' and began to poke people with it when he thought they were getting out of line. He was warbling songs loudly and out of tune, he and Ashton climbing to high rocks and claiming themselves king of the world.

We walked through endless fields and over stiles until we came back to the campsite at 5 in the afternoon, tired out but content.
In the evening, we settled around the fire again, cuddled together but Mikey and I were snuggled next to each other and Luke was sat close to Calum as they whispered together. It was quiet tonight, but we were all getting tired.

"Grace, come sit with me." Luke said, drawing my attention to him and patting the spot on the blanket next to him.
"You come here." I said, opening my arms.
"She's cuddling with me right now Lucas." Michael said in a jokey way.

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