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I spotted Danni from a distance in her black jeans and khaki coat. She has long, straight brown hair and she was typing on her phone and looking down, completely oblivious to me and the guys. As we approached, my phone buzzed with a text.

Received from: Danni💕
Where are you?

"Right here." I said, hugging her as we approached. She smiled at me and then looked at the people I had brought to meet her.
"Friends already?" Danni laughed. "Introduce me?" Calum seemed nervous, he was looking down at his feet.
"This is Luke," I said, gesturing to the lanky guy still with his arm around my shoulder who waved with his free hand. "And that's Mikey, Ashton and Calum." I said, pointing at them each in order.

Calum waved awkwardly, and Danni laughed. She waved back just as awkwardly, teasing him. He blushed furiously, trying to stop himself from smiling so much. I watched on, smirking, they would be perfect together, I seriously needed to make that happen.

"Hey so I got an invitation from some guy in Art for a party later, if any of you want to come? He said I could invite some friends." Danni says, clicking off her phone and slipping it into her coat pocket.

"Yeah sure I think I can do that." Calum said quickly, smiling at Danni. We all agreed to go to the party later and I had an unfamiliar warmth in my tummy when I thought about going to a party with my new friends.

"Okay guys I need food I am literally going to pass out." I said. Ashton suggested going to this new pizza place in town. We walked towards the bus stop, staggered in various smaller groups, but Luke was still by my side. I hoped that this wasn't just friendly behaviour for him. I really liked the feeling I got whenever he looked at me.

It wasn't exactly good weather, and Calum and Danni walked next to each other the whole time, Calum with his hands in his pockets. Danni was so much smaller than him, but that's not hard seeing as how tall Calum is.

We climbed onto the bus together, swinging into seats at the back after paying the driver. It was only ten minutes until we got there. We walked into the restaurant and asked for a table for 6, and we were met by the waiter's rolled eyes as we loudly slid into the booth that he directed us to.

The waiter scribbled our orders on a small pad and I went in my bag to get my purse out. Shit, I internally cursed at myself for leaving half my money at home. I leaned over to Danni.
"Do you have a tenner I can borrow?" I whispered.

"What's that?" Luke asked, leaning over too.
"Oh I uh, I don't actually have any money... I thought I did but I left it at home." I said, fiddling with one of my bracelets.

"Don't worry, I'll pay for you." he said with a smile. I hesitated, looking into his eyes and studying his features. Was this just him being friendly or was he offering to pay for me to flirt with me? I hoped it was the second one.

"Okay," I said after a second. "I'll pay you back tonight though." I said.
"Nah it's alright, you can just pay for me next time we go out together." Luke smiled. My stomach flipped over, that definitely wasn't just him being friendly.

"Smooth." Michael butted in. I pulled my phone out of my back pocket and typed out a quick text to Danni.

Sent from: Grace
Is Luke flirting with me or is it just me???

I saw her check her phone, tilting it away from Calum for a second. Half a minute later, my phone buzzed with a reply.

Received from: Danni 💕
He's definitely flirting with you x

I smiled as I read the text, I really want her to be right. Calum and Danni were in a conversation together again. It was like it was just the two of them, and they were sat close next to each other, each of them giggling at what another said in turn.

Teenage MemoriesWhere stories live. Discover now