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It was a teary day in that hospital, we stayed with Michael for the rest of the day and he got discharged in the evening.

Everyone arrived just after I got let into Michael's room and he had woken up soon after that.

There was a new sadness in his eyes, like a sparkle had gone out. I told him that he would be sleeping at mine for the next week, I didn't want a repeat of what happened and I felt a lot more comfortable with him where I could see him for a while.


He hasn't said much since he was discharged, and that night we were sat in my bed and I was cuddling him when he started crying. His phone was lying on the other side of the room and it was going off almost every two minutes.

After twenty minutes, he broke down. I held him while he cried against me and then I dried his eyes.

"Please tell me what's wrong." I pleaded, holding his hands.
"I don't know if I can." He mumbled, his voice cracking and threatening tears again.

"Please. It's me." I said quietly. He told me everything then. There was a girl called Olivia. Mikey had gone to a party a month ago and gotten drunk. He had sex with this girl, and she texted him two days ago.

She's pregnant. She says she hasn't decided whether to keep the baby or not. He told his parents and his mum was understanding but his dad hit him over the head.

He called him a reckless, stupid and irresponsible boy and told him to leave the house for a few days, and not come back until he's fixed this mess. He went to go and see Olivia. He said that he doesn't want to be a father, but she says she isn't sure. I hugged him tightly while he cried against me, letting all of his emotions out.

"Please don't make me find you in a forest again, half dead. Please come to me before it goes that far." I said, holding him. He sniffed and nodded.

"I just don't know what to do." He said quietly.
"It's all going to work out. I promise." I said, rubbing comforting circles on his back.
"Thank you." He said sincerely.

"I don't think you should drink for a while." I said, pulling away to look into his eyes.
"What do I do for Halloween?"
"Just get high or something instead." I said, and we settled back against my headboard to watch Breaking Bad. "Your liver and stomach lining are far too sensitive for that just yet."

I heard a soft knock at my bedroom door and it was gently pushed open. Calum and Luke were there. I smiled warmly at the two of them as they entered, Danni coming in after Luke.

Danni and Calum settled into the bed next to mine and Luke climbed over me and Michael to settle in next to me.
"Hey." He whispered, and I settled against him.
"Where's Ashton?" I asked, realising the absence of the two of them.

"I think they're staying over at Danni's house. Don't ask me what they're doing, I don't want to know." Luke said.

Later that night when everyone had drifted to sleep, and Michael had gone over to Danni's bed to cuddle with them, Luke and I were still awake. I faced him, stroking the side of his face as he kissed me gently.
"Grace. What are we?" Luke whispered.
"I like you a lot." I said quietly. "I don't want to share you with anyone."
"I feel the same." He smiled. "I can't stand the thought of losing you to someone else."
"I just don't want to lose you if something goes wrong, you mean so much so me." I said gently.
"You won't ever lose me," He said, his eyes twinkling in the darkness. "Please, be my girlfriend?" He said, entwining his hands with mine.
"Okay," I said, and he pressed his lips to mine softly, lovingly. I felt him smile against the kiss.
"I'm so happy," He smiled.

The next morning, I woke up in Ashton's arms covered by my duvet, but I was completely naked.

"Good morning." Luke whispered gently to me. I smiled, cuddling closer to him. He was warm, and safe and wherever he was, was where I felt most at home.

"I need to go and shower." I said, climbing reluctantly out of bed.
"Together?" He whispered hopefully. I chuckled gently.
"Nice try Lucas. Take me to dinner first." I winked, grabbing my towel and shutting the door behind me.


It was Halloween. Luke and I were obviously going as Catwoman and Batman in a cheesy couples costume.

He picked it out for us, I think he was just drawn to the thought of me in form fitting lycra, so I agreed.

Danni was going as a mouse, but a sexy one... I think. Knowing her she could turn up dressed in a baggy mouse onesie.

As promised, Michael was only smoking weed tonight to avoid another alcohol related incident. I hoped that we could get through this night with no drama but knowing our friendship group that was never gonna happen.

It was Arzaylea's party tonight, and we all decided to go because at the end of the day it was still a party and to be honest we hadn't been invited anywhere else.

I was a bit nervous about Luke being around Arzaylea again after what happened last time, but I do trust him.

Luke and I had agreed to smoke with Michael so he wasn't getting high alone. That's how I ended up sitting cross-legged in a small typically British back garden wearing a cat woman costume as Michael lit up a spliff.

We passed it round slowly, each of us taking a long, indulgent drag before passing it onto the next person. Luke kissed me when I was blowing smoke out of my mouth, and I remember giggling and almost choking on the smoke.

When we had finished, we went into Arzaylea's kitchen to find some food. This was a fancy kitchen and there was barely anyone in here.

There was a couple of people looking for a bottle opener and there next to the microwave was Calum and Danni, truly getting it on. Danni was sitting up on the counter with Calum in between her legs, holding her ass to push her against him.

"Hey guys." Michael said, looking in the cupboards for any kind of food. He stumbled upon a huge box of Lucky Charms. We all gasped.

"You know. I love lucky charms. This is gonna be fucking awesome." Luke stated as he saw the cereal box.

After a long night of dancing, we were stumbling home to my house, when Michael decided that he wanted to dye his hair bubblegum pink tonight.

So now we were in my bathroom, high as hell and trying to read hair dye instructions. In the end it turned out not too bad, it resembles candy floss, and so do my hands.

We all crashed in a pile on the floor of my bedroom surrounded by duvets and blankets.  A typical Saturday night for us.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2017 ⏰

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