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One week later.

Luke and I were practicing our song for music on Monday.
"Grace, I thought you knew the chords!" Luke said, jokingly exasperated.
"I do! I just get distracted. Who knew you could sing so well?" I said, strumming a few notes on the guitar.
"Thanks," Luke said, blushing rising in his cheeks.
I smiled, I love the way I could make him so shy so easily.
"Okay shall we go again?" I said.
Luke nodded, and I began to pluck the notes softly.
'I'm gonna pick up the pieces, and build a lego house. If things go wrong we can knock it down...'


Lying in bed on a Friday night surrounded by my best friends had to be the best way to spend the start of the weekend. Earlier today Luke and I finished our song for music and now Luke was strumming on my guitar in the corner, singing along to something or other and I watched him, entranced by his voice.

Suddenly, Luke finished and put the guitar to one side. I got up, leaving Luke wrapped up in the blanket to go with Danni to the bathroom, while Luke and Calum fought over which dvd to watch. I closed the door to Luke arguing that he wanted to watch Mean Girls, and Michael telling him that's weird.

We got inside and I flicked the light on, closing and locking the door behind us. I got my toothbrush and wet it, squeezing toothpaste out of the tube. Danni grabbed a makeup wipe and starting running it over her eyes.
"What's actually happening between you and Luke?" Danni asked, "I'm confused."

"Well, I don't know. I like him and he likes me, but I don't think either of us want a relationship right now." I said. I was getting my head around wanting a relationship with Luke, he was just so sweet, it made me believe that he couldn't do anything like what Theo did. "What about you and Calum?"

"Oh, well, he's cute and I really want it to be something. Do you think he really likes me?" Danni said, blushing. I spat in the sink and pulled my hair up into a bun.
"Of course he likes you, you idiot." I said, wiping my makeup off.
"You think?" Danni said, looking slightly hopeful as she put the toilet seat lid down to sit on.

"Yep definitely." I said. I unlocked the door when I was done, walking out and sitting down on the bed. I took Luke's t-shirt from the foot of the bed where he had thrown it. I quickly pulled off my other tshirt and slipped his on before anyone except Luke noticed.

I unhooked my bra from the back and pulled it out of the sleeve, flinging it to the side somewhere and I climbed back into bed, my bare legs feeling soft against the new sheets. Luke pulled me closer to him so he could cuddle into me.
"Nice shirt. Where'd you get it?" He murmured. I chuckled at the joke that he makes every time I wear something of his.

"Thanks, I got it from your bag." I laughed, poking him. His phone lit up from the bedside table and he turned over to check it, replying quickly and then putting it down again.
"Who was it?" I ask, curiosity getting the better of me."

"No one important." He replied. That was a bit weird, why wouldn't he tell me who it was.
"Hey you know Arzaylea texted me asking if you wanted to meet up again Luke." Michael said, his mouth stuffed full of popcorn.

"Arzaylea?" I asked, turning to look at Luke.
"Yeah." He said quietly. "I know she just texted me. Why did you give her my number?" he said to Mikey.
"I don't know, she asked? Sorry man." Michael shrugged.

My stomach flipped uncomfortably and Danni shot me a look. I know Luke could tell what I was thinking because he squeezed my hand where he was holding it.

"But she is holding a party tomorrow night which is such a perfect excuse to get trashed that I don't think we can pass on." Michael said. Even though I did feel a bit odd going to Luke's ex fuck buddy's house party, I figured it might be fun.

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