Chapter Six

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Harry didn't leave in front of the television. He had stayed still standing for the longest time, and more and more information came in. However, a name was never mentioned. He still believed Lucy was the hero. William tried to get his brother away from the screen and tried to distract him, but it didn't work. Harry refused to leave. Eventually, William got Harry to at least sit down. With Harry being so tense, it wouldn't help his healing.

His hands were curled in front of his face, resting over his mouth and nose, breathing through them. His blue eyes stayed there, perfectly still, trying to comprehend the situation.

William sat down next to his brother, but watched the news for a different reason. He wanted to understand and care. Whatever bad things were happening, he needed to know. But he believed his brother was holding onto hopes because there was no way out of over seven billion people on this planet, Lucy was the hero. From what Harry had told William, she already had her bad moment. Fate wouldn't be mean to her again.

Harry seemed to think it would, though.

"Harry, let's get some supper," William said. "This will be here when you get back."

"I need to know that she's okay."

William bit his tongue, not saying anything about her. "No one was injured. They're reporting that. She is okay."

It was Harry's turn not to say anything. Lucy may have no been physically hurt, but that didn't mean stopping a terrorist attack didn't hurt. He knew her well, and she held herself together well. But she had those moments, all humans did.

"You can go, Wills. I have this."

William shifted on the couch, getting a little close to his brother. "I'm not leaving, brother. We'll wait it out."

For the first time, Harry shifted his gaze from the TV. He looked down, finding his shined shoes still sparkling. There were a few smudges, but by the time he wore them again, they would be shined and almost new. He sighed and looked to his older brother, pulled away from the situation. The television hummed in the background but William sat in front of them. "You have a life, Wills: a wife and some kids."

William nodded. "Yes, but you're my brother too. Kate will come in here when she's done, and the children are already in bed I'm sure." He settled back. "We can wait it out together."

Harry gave his thanks and stared at the television again.

The same information was given again and again, and they were forced to listen to it. Again and again, the same words were spoken. No one was hurt, all because of the hero. The train had been stopped immediately, right outside a small town, where police officers of the town boarded. The hero was still not named. People were giving stories about what happened, what they heard, what they saw. They said the hero was female and average-looking but tall. She didn't speak, but some people thought she might have been American. She still wasn't named. Agents from the capital of the country was coming there, and the hero was to be asked questions. As well as, police officers from a bigger city nearby had come to the small city.

The people on the train had exited quickly and were now within the small town, in cafes and hotels. The town was almost run over by how many people there were, but money would've been brought in. Still, everyone was safe. It didn't bother too many people with all the tourists in the small town. Even some of the townspeople had started to take in some of the tourists, when it unsure when a new train would be there for them.

Lucy was somewhere in that mix.

It started to grow into the late hours and maybe the name wouldn't be said today. Perhaps William was right, Harry thought, and perhaps it was best to go to sleep now, to wake up to the news tomorrow. Harry didn't have to wait long because then there was another breaking news report.

"We have the hero's name and we know her nationality. Yes, female," it was reported. "Her name is Lucille Smith of the United States of America, and she took down the gunman. At this moment, we have no other information about this woman, not even a picture, but we are currently looking for more information about her. The name and nationality we have been given is Lucille Smith of the United States of America. No more information has been given about her, whether she was injured or not, or how she took down the gunman. At this moment, we only know what other passengers on the train have said, but we only know this passenger, American Lucille Smith."

There she was.

William had rocked forward when the breaking news happened, and he had nothing to say now. Harry had been right; Lucy took down the gunman. The Duke of Cambridge had no idea how the Prince of Wales knew, but he did. He was right. William leaned back on the sofa, taking in the news. His blue eyes wandered over to his brother, who still stared at the television.

Harry knew he had been right before her name was even stated, but it hurt now that he really knew. She was still in Europe, but she hadn't come for him. He cursed at himself because that didn't matter now. What mattered was Lucy, and she would've said she was fine.

However, everyone knew her name now. Lucy didn't want to be known again, after she had been known for taking down the gunman of mass shooting inside of her high school. She was known in her city, her state and around the U.S.A. But now it was bigger than that, she was bigger than that. She was to get awards and people would stare at her. She would never be left alone.

Harry swallowed. Lucy hadn't wanted to be known, and one of the reasons they couldn't be together. She wanted to have a normal life, where she could go out by her own and cameras wouldn't follow her. She wanted to melt back into the crowd. Lucy couldn't do that now.

Standing up, Harry smoothed down his pants. William watched him. "I'm going to bed. Good night." Harry walked upstairs and closed the door to his bedroom.

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