Chapter Twenty-Two

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Lucy finally made it down the line of men and women, shaking hands with all. She had laughed at their jokes and they had shared stories, and now she knew why she was to arrive at the Palace at one in the afternoon and wouldn't meet the Queen until two in the afternoon. Lucy said the same thing to most of the people, when they asked how she was or what happened. She never gave too many details, and it was to be no different as she stood in front of Prince Harry, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, Prince Charles and then the Duchess of Cornwall. The Duke of Edinburgh waited at the door, and he would escort Miss Lucille Smith of the United States of America to the Queen for a photo op. The Queen would present Lucy with an award, and then Lucy would escape.

However, when Lucy looked into the eyes of Harry, she found that he had a different idea. There was a deep gleam in his eyes, as if he hid something, which he did. Both of them hid their true selves, especially with the cameras rolling. He was supposed to be the well trained one, where he could turn off that look. However, he kept it on. Lucy had turned hers off.

"Prince Harry," Lucy noted, and she tried to make her cheeks turn pink, assuming that was what most women did when they met the prince.

"Lucy," he acknowledged, with his laid back smile. It was different this smile, like he tried to be cute and charming, almost half flirting. He never used this smile on her before, and that was the gleam in his eyes. This was what made girls scream for joy. Harry held out his hand and she took it. Her hand was incredibly sweaty by now, but he didn't mind. "Thank you." When he said nothing else about the situation, it was because he wanted her to at least have some privacy.

Lucy clamped down on her tongue, before she said a snarky remark. She was to keep her eyes focused, whatever happened next. She only smiled.

"I hope, Miss Smith, after your award is given by my grandmother, you might join me for a tour around Buckingham Palace."

Once again, Lucy bit her tongue again. There were cameras watching, and she realized they couldn't hear what they said. But others stood around, watching and listening. "I would be honored." Honestly, she didn't know if she hated the idea or not. No one thought anything of it, but she wasn't sure if wanted it.

Harry nodded, and let go of her hand.

Lucy was led to the next royals who waited, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, future King and Queen of England. She either had the confidence to wear heels that day or she meant to challenge them. It was the first one, and she was able to beat William with height, granted Lucy wasn't short to begin with. They were nice people with nice smiles that seemed genuine.

"Thank you," Catherine said, shaking Lucy's hand first. Her fingers were long with a petite hand and almost petite body. She had a certain light in her eyes, and it just made her more beautiful.

"Yes," William took over, "it was such a brave thing for you to do. I couldn't imagine what I would do in your situation."

"Everyone would've the same thing. We are good people, and we want to help others." Lucy felt Harry's eyes flash over to her, but he didn't dare look at him. She knew Catherine and William had to know about them, and they kept it together too. "I was in the right place at the right time."

When her eyes met the future king's and she touched the future queen, wasn't she supposed to freak out? She couldn't bring herself to do that, almost like she would lose a part of herself. Maybe it because she had met Harry prior to and since she knew him, she let the royals be normal people. Or maybe she just didn't get too excited over these types of things anymore.

"I'm impressed," Catherine stated. "I know many people look up to you now."

The Duchess of Cambridge didn't mean it how Lucy took it, but she wanted no one to look up to her. She wanted no one to follow in her footsteps, and she certainly didn't want little girls wanting to be her. She didn't want them to have the pain.

"Thank you." Lucy kept her smile on, but she didn't doubt she had failed for a second.

Next, Lucy moved down the line to meet the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall, Charles and Camilla, whom greeted her warmly. Neither of them gave away that they knew about Harry and Lucy. Harry's eyes still watched her but less now as she had moved further away, toward the goal the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh. William and Kate continued to speak, trying to loop Harry into the conversation. He didn't want to hear it.

Perhaps, and he knew, Harry had pushed Lucy too much because there hadn't been a way for her to say no from the Prince of Wales for a tour around Buckingham Palace. Most girls would've gone for that, and he somehow always forgot Lucy wasn't most girls. He would allow her to get out of it, but she wouldn't release now.

It was, really, Harry wanted to show her his world, how he grew up and how he lived. He wanted her to be a part of it, along with when she wanted to leave. This was a wall for him, a way to show her the world without her being dropped in it. This allowed her to see the good part of life she could have with him. Most days weren't him being followed around by cameras and most days weren't scary. He could be a normal person, even if he lived in a palace; she wouldn't let that go. 

His eyes still peered at her, and then she was ushered with the Queen of England. Originally, the Duke of Edinburgh had been at their side, but after giving Lucy his thanks, he went and joined the rest of the family. The Queen thanked Lucy, and she accepted. Lucy also accepted an award, a medal and plaque. More was wanted to give to Lucy, but she declined. She didn't need any further treasures.

"Your majesty," the usher stated, "this way." The Queen of England and Lucy were led off to the private meeting room, and Harry didn't know what they spoke of. The pictures had already been taken, and the media was already starting to pack up and leave. Harry thought Lucy might actually be free after this, if he didn't pull her back in.

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