Chapter Thirty-Three

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The young couple returned back to London by noon on Sunday. Due to the recent events, it was hard to say that they had fun in Germany. Both of them agreed they needed to travel there again, and it was beautiful. But Germany wasn't the only country with these problems. It gave both of them time to think. Harry thought about his own country, only allowing so many refugees in, and for what? Was it fear or hate? Perhaps people didn't like the unknown or people didn't care enough. There were so many unknowns and so many people already. There were excuses right and left. The idea of different people was scary to many.

This allowed time for Lucy to think about her life too, and how she could change the world. She didn't just want to be known as Prince Harry's girlfriend. She didn't want people believing that he gave everything to her, as if handed to her on a silver platter. Lucy wanted to work for it, but Harry was right: she had a platform unlike other people's. Since her past, people already looked up to her, like how the Duchess of Cambridge said little girls wanted to be her. However, her platform was high. People always looked up. She wished to be like other people, but normalcy couldn't happen with Lucy, no matter how much she wanted it.

The choice was made in Lucy's mind. Harry was right, she admitted for only one time in her life. The platform was there, and she needed to use it. Harry last night had gone on to say that Lucy was passionate about many things, and she was. It was her turn to start working on such things.

With her living in Britain, she didn't have the ability to fight the U.S. government over gun control. She didn't have the energy to fight the National Rifle Association. Her platform there as a survivor of a school shooting, and she held it. But with no longer being there and not watching to go back, her platform had to change. However, she had another platform to stand on: a hero who brought down a gunman on a train. Most people saw him as a terrorists and were scared of refugees; Lucy wasn't like those people.

Last night, as they slept in the same bed with nothing between them, Lucy did awake. Her back was straight as she arose in the nighttime, and Harry was there to watch it all. His hand gripped her hand, and she squeezed back. Her eyes stared forward; her chest barely moved. Harry sat up too, but Lucy relaxed on the bed. Kissing her on the cheek, they settled into bed again. She fell back asleep, but he did not.

On the train ride back to London, Harry had placed a baseball hat on his head again and put on sunglasses. Lucy had no need of such things. He held her hand as she leaned upon him; they watched the world go by outside. The trip had taken a lot out of him.



"Will we be okay?"

She laughed, and her eyes went his face. "Yes, Harry, we're okay. We will be okay."

He kissed her on the head. "Good."

They really hadn't a fight, but there was raised voices. Neither of them said really anything rude. But it was the thought that this might be the end of them. Traveling together had been fine, like Lucy's hopes had been, and it worked out well. However, he had training and she was more her past. This was how they dealt with situations.

Harry's mind focused on Lucy's job as refugee coordinator. There were people like that in London, and what if they tried to hurt the people she helped? What if they tried to come after her? Lucy would've said she could protect herself, and there was no doubt. But perhaps there wasn't enough being done for refugees and the people who helped them. There were death threats given to these people, and were they to always live in fear?

Wanting to ask but he didn't, Harry felt the need to give at least Lucy a safe place to stay. He knew she didn't want to stay with him, which would draw attention. However, he was getting a Kensington Palace apartment soon, by himself, and he thought to tell the guards to let her in any time she wanted. She could always go there if she ever needed anything. Harry's next thought was to buy her a flat in the safest part of London, with the best security and police on alert. Lucy wouldn't take that. In the thought, he could've employed a bodyguard for Lucy, and she wouldn't take it. Perhaps a bodyguard to watch over her without her knowing. No, Harry decided, it was creepy and then Lucy would notice quickly.

Lucy and Harry got off the train and entered into London city again. The smell of London hit Lucy again, but she didn't feel as strongly about it. Harry ducked his head, again back to a place where people would recognize him. Lucy threw her hair back, put her chin to the sky and started walking. A car awaited Harry, and he wished Lucy to ride back with him to Kensington Palace. William and Catherine would be there, along with their children, but they could have some private time. Lucy shook her head no; she had work tomorrow and she wished to sleep some. Harry kissed her goodbye and went off to the car.

"Luce," he called back.

She had begun to walk away, but instead Lucy walked up to the car. "Can't get enough of me, Harry?" she asked, holding a mocking tone in her voice.

"Never." He smiled. "Ring me tonight, will you?"

"If you want."

"I do." He leaned forward and kissed her on the lips. Lucy hated public displays of affection, and she pulled away after an appropriate amount of seconds. "Perhaps I shall ring you."

"I might be in the shower."

"All night long?"

"If that's what it takes." Lucy couldn't hide her smile.

"I'll ring you."

"Do it." She kissed him quickly on the cheek and then stepped back. "And don't be late."

"Never." After a wink from him, he slid into the black and sleek car, which drove off.

Harry watched himself go, and Lucy stood there waiting, until she finally headed to the nearest Tube station. Even then, he glanced back at the woman, who was the woman of his dreams. There were things that they disagreed on, which Harry learned about on this trip. There were sure to be more. However, he proved to himself that this wasn't the end. Harry at the beginning thought this relationship wouldn't go far, and Lucy would be the one to cut it off. Lucy could still cut it off, but he had dreams that she wouldn't. And it seemed like she would stay forever.

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