Chapter Seventeen

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Lucy wasn't sure what to say. She didn't dare confess love to him and she didn't dare to get out of the car and walk away. Some part of her hoped that if she got out of the car and if she walked away, Harry would run after her. However, this was real life. If Lucy walked away, Harry would let her go. He would be a human and he would let her go. She deserved to have a life not in the spotlight, and he was willing to give it to her.

Was she to stay? She wasn't even sure that she loved him. She wasn't even sure if she could have a life with him. Neither of them knew the future, and whatever happened next. She wasn't willing to give up her life for him, and he didn't want that. And if she stayed, Harry wasn't sure if he could give her everything. Was she melt into his society?

Harry's heart pumped loudly. Blood rushed in his head, and it began to hurt. His face burned. He still continued to wait for Lucy to say something.

"I don't know," Lucy admitted.

"Do you want to try?" he asked.


Harry's hand still gripped her hand, and he was surprised that she left it there. The surprise smacked him when she said yes. Uncertainty held a tight tone in her voice, and perhaps she was scared of whatever they came next. He ran his thumb over the back of her hand, and he leaned forward, ready to tell the driver to go again.

"Harry," she said slowly, and he sat back. His gaze met hers. "Treat me like we're normal."

"Luce, I'm not normal."

"You don't think I realize that?" She smirked. "And I'm not normal either." It was due to different reasons.

He nodded. "How would you like me to treat you as normal?"

"Us as normal," she corrected.

"Us as normal," he admitted. "How would you like me to treat us as normal?"

"Get out of the car and walk me back to my hostile."

He stilled, unsure what to do next. There was no way that his security would allow him out; he was always surrounded. Then what if someone recognized him? Her picture would be all over the news and newspapers for a different reason. The media would go after her, desperate to destroy her.


"It's only seven blocks," she said. "Walk me seven blocks in the dark, with no cameras around, like a human. Hold my hand and talk to me." Her fingers gripped his hand tightly.

"My security."

Lucy swung open the door. "You said they're good at keeping secrets." She got out of the car and slammed the door behind her. Her feet hit the ground and she started walking away.

Some part of Lucy hoped Harry wouldn't come after her, because that proved he had some wits about him. She didn't want some random boy chasing after her. She didn't want to be chased after. She wanted to be free, and there was a lack of freedom in his world. This was her ability to walk away. However, she had dangled herself in front of her, and she wasn't idiot. And Harry didn't disappoint.

Harry got out of car after her and ran up beside her. "Is this what you wanted?" he hissed.

Lucy whipped around and glared at him. "No." She walked away.

"Lucy, I literally cannot do anything right."

Stopping and waiting for him to catch up, Harry eventually did walk beside Lucy again. "Harry, I don't want to force you to do anything. You've been forced enough in your life. In fact, I don't want you to chase me, but I want you be real with me. You want a future with me? You want to try?"

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