Chapter Twenty

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Dinner went well for both of them. At the beginning, it could've been said that it was awkward and tense, like most first dates are. You aren't supposed to feel a full on connection in the real world. You work to feel it out. It was easier in Africa because they didn't need to focus on fitting into society. But while in public, there were expectations for the both of them. Perhaps, when they weren't surrounded by other human beings or by bodyguards, then there would be something beautiful about them again.

The first date wasn't bad, and really it was work for both of them. Though Lucy seemed distant and such, she tried and Harry tried too. In the beginning, she was having a hard time not looking behind Harry, at the windows and at his bodyguards, but she eventually came back to him. He realized that she wasn't looking for the paparazzi because they followed him but rather the paparazzi would follow her.

When he asked if the paparazzi had been following her, she said no. They hadn't been at her hostile, and she hadn't seen them all day. Both of them took this as a good sign because it meant that Lucy was slowly melting back into normal day life. However, once they were on the subject, Harry had to bring it up about the awards she might receive. Like he knew, she didn't want them, claiming they should go to other people, but Harry pushed back a little bit, saying that she should take them. In the end, Lucy decided to take them, only to appease the countries who wanted her to have them. Lucy didn't need awards reminding her of that day. If asked what she would do with them or where she would put them, the answer was nowhere. They would go nowhere.

Thankfully after Harry talked about the "business" with Lucy, there were no more pressing matters to concern, so they continued on their path to being a little less formal with their dating.

He couldn't stop looking at Lucy, how she had done her makeup that night or how she wore her hair differently. She wore a little bit more makeup, here and there, no much, but rather it concealed a little bit more about her. It covered up a few more scars. Her hairline scar was practically gone, and it helped how she had her hair down and straightened fully, making it look shiner, softer and longer. This was the person Lucy dressed up to be but it wasn't her. The personality she had didn't match the perfection that she had somehow created with looks. Still, he couldn't stop looking at her, with her personality and looks, because altogether, she was perfection.

Of course, he didn't say this to her face, which she would deny.

After dinner was over, Harry tried to pay for all of it, but was denied because Lucy paid for herself. He claimed to want to be a gentleman, whereupon she claimed she was a woman who had money. She could pay for herself. Even if she didn't have money, she would pay for herself. Whether you were with chivalry or not, Lucy refused to take things from others.

This brought them to a walk, after Lucy refused to get into the car with Harry. The sun had gone down and streetlamps led their way. Bodyguards had somewhat formed around Harry, keeping a safe distance away from hearing their conversation and then from not drawing attention to them. Harry held Lucy's hand, and then he pulled her closer to him, so that their bodies pressed against each other.

"I like it this," Harry whispered into her ear.

"In what sense?" she asked. "Towing me around by my hand? Dinner? Walking around a free man?"

Harry laughed. "All of it." He hugged her a little closer. "But I really like being around you."

Lucy sighed. "You must say that to all the pretty girls."

"Only the woman of perfection."

"Have there been more than me?"

"Never," he promised.

They continued to walk without a real care of where they were going. It was almost a stroll but there was no purpose to it. Eventually the bodyguards would make up some excuse that Harry was to be on his way. He thought about making up an excuse to be on his way, for Lucy, where she needed more time to process what was going on. How was she to deal with this around her?



"How do you feel about this?"

"It's our first date, Harry, not the rest our of lives."

"Not what I was talking about."

"Then explain." Her voice remained light.

"We are followed by bodyguards," he explained. "There is a car following us, for me, in case paparazzi show up. We'll get you out too. But with the bodyguards, they are here for my protection." They would protect Lucy too, but after Harry.

She laughed a little bit. "I'm assuming some of the bodyguards have guns."

"Yes." Most of them did, if not all of them.

"I don't like that, mostly because I believe more guns doesn't make things safer." Lucy turned toward him. "They're here for your protection."

"And yours," he reminded.

"They're here for your protection." She shrugged. "Because some of us kick ass on our own." Harry laughed and Lucy walked ahead, pulling him with her until he caught up. "I don't blame you for not having my talent."

"You're right. I don't have your talent." He gripped her hand a little tighter. "Or your beauty or your intelligence or your--"

"Whoa there, Prince Charming. Don't get ahead of yourself." Their eyes met. "I am all those things," she admitted, "but you're good at stuff too, I'm sure."

He laughed. "Like what?" Harry stepped forward.

"Fishing for compliments?"


"You're not going to get any from me."

Lucy kissed him on the lips, letting herself fall into the world that they created together. Now, they were free. Now, even with the eyes watching, they were free. No one was going to pull out their cameras. No one was going to sell a story. They were free. She pulled back from the kiss.

A smile pulled across Harry's lips, and he had to wait a few seconds to breathe again. "Hello."


Harry pulled her into a kiss, and they continued, as if they never stopped.

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