Chapter Thirty

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Lucy said she wanted to get lost in Cologne, Harry now knew she meant it. They started at the middle of the city, in the beaten path of most traveled streets. Lucy and Harry stayed on the more easily traveled streets, where English was spoken easily. This was where a late lunch was eaten, and Harry got his first real taste of German food. After eating a smal meal, Harry and Lucy took their chances by getting off the main streets. Harry tried to keep his bearings but with the streets ending in -strasse, he found it hard.

Her eyes were trained upward, watching her surroundings. She kept her bearings by the skyscrapers, and her ability to know what the streets meant.

Feeling more comfortable now and his trust was strong with Lucy, his fingers remained interlaced with hers. Their feet carried them elsewhere. Harry felt normal, natural with the people around him, in the thriving nightlife of Cologne. He wanted to curl his arm around her, but she always watched something else. They went in and out of stores, browsing through the merchandise.

Harry liked no one noticing him. Sometimes eyes would drift to him twice but they didn't focus too hard. His bright orange hair would draw people in. Their eyes would hover on him, deciding if they should know who he was or not. Then they decided he wasn't whoever they thought. He was just another random man walking around Cologne. Not only that, he was a random man with orange hair and a resemblance to the Prince Harry who also held hands with a girl. There were no current rumors swirling of Harry with a girlfriend.

After walking until it grew dark, lights shined down on them. It had grown chilly, and being the gentleman Harry was, he offered his jacket to Lucy. She laughed at him. The cold didn't bother her. Harry had done research upon where Lucy was from in the U.S., and she came from the north. Her state touched Canada. It was a nice thought from Harry, but he knew she would reject it. Lucy thanked Harry, and she turned back to their surroundings.

A late dinner was ate by Lucy and Harry, his second taste of German food. He much enjoyed the second meal over the first, when proper food was eaten, along with great dessert. Enjoyment spread across his face. However, enjoyment slipped away from his face when he watched Lucy. She had been enjoying her own food when suddenly she looked sick.

"Luce," Harry whispered, leaning over the table slightly but German was spoken all around them, "what's up?"

Swallowing her food, she forced a smile and Harry knew.

"Do you have a bad feeling?"

Her eyes had gone outside, where the streetlamps shined down. They were off the main street and all she wanted was to get back there. But they wouldn't be able to get a taxi from here. They would have to walk, in the dark. It wasn't as much as a bad feeling than feeling sick. She never enjoyed being in the dark but usually it was different with Harry. Though with Harry, she had never been too off the beaten path.

Last time they were off the beaten path, Harry ended up with a stab wound, and he clung onto dear life. Granted, security was much higher here, the healthcare was better and the police were faster. Still, the feeling gnawed at her.

"Yes." There was great nightlife in Cologne, and she wished to stay out with him. She could've said We should finish up and go back to the hotel. Perhaps there were things to do at the hotel. But she said something else, "We'll go back to the main road and stay out a little longer."

"Are you sure?"

There was hesitation. "Yes."

The feeling clawed at her stomach, but it wasn't fear for her life or for his life. She didn't fear for death tonight or some sort of injury. There wasn't a need to vomit, like earlier with life, when fear struck her hard. It was just the feeling of mistrust, like she didn't like whatever was going to happen next.

Lucy knew what might happen when they went on the main streets. Harry could've been noticed. It was Saturday night and clubs were around them. The young people were going out to club and party. The young people would be the first ones to recognize Harry. Perhaps, she thought, the young people pre-game-ed too hard, by drinking before they went clubbing. Even in the dark, Harry might be noticed.

After paying, Lucy and Harry left the restaurant. He was tensed, looking around, like he was back on active duty. Ever since Africa, Harry was more observant. He didn't believe anything bad might happen to either of them, but if Lucy proved true, at least she had a good warning sign. Their hands were clasped together, and he wanted to protect her. No, he would protect her. Lucy wished to protect him.

Harry had the training to fight someone off, after being in the British Armed Services. However, Lucy was just good at kicking ass.

They began walking back to the main street, at normal pace. They probably would've gone slower if Lucy didn't have a bad feeling. They didn't go faster, or they might look suspicious. His blue eyes went dark to watch his surroundings, while Lucy was quick with watching. He wondered what it would be like to have a late-night stroll with Lucy where she didn't think they were going to get murdered.

He didn't blame Lucy for being slightly paranoid, especially with her past. Usually, she was pretty good about it, when they were out and about. The night didn't tend to bother her too much, but she said she got the feelings sometimes when she was walking in the dark alone. Harry didn't doubt that, when women were still in fear that they might be attacked at night. Lucy had less of that chance with her size.

A pounding started to come from some of the buildings that came up, the clubs that were beginning to pack with people. At least they knew they were close. Then there was a rustling sound, the clanking of maybe metal, some grunts, and one loud and low yell.

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