Chapter 2

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It was break time . Mint and Amber were sitting on one of the school benches and talking about their mathematics teacher and how he suddenly flew to Australia.  Mint was telling Amber about the worried expression she saw on his face as he packed his stuff. She was persuading Amber to go to Australia.

-  We need to go to Australia and see why was dad (the math teacher) so worried

- I'm not sure about that . He works in the MAL and all...

- Trust me I'm his daughter I  know. Every time dad goes to Australia he is very excited sometimes even over excited. However this time he looked very anxious.

-  Well... OK but only this time... It might be fun.

That was all Amber could say before Mint practically dragged her to the Air Taxi. They flew over London to the nearest transfer point which would teleport them straight to Australia in one minute. Mint  got out very quickly and dragged Amber to the hustling boulevard. Amber wanted to stop at the food court for some food but Mint stopped her.

- We need to find dad and fast before he gets to the lab - she said

Amber sighed but carried on running after Mint who was zigzagging like crazy around the damp yet very busy street. At last they found the MAL and decided to hide in the faraway corner and wait for Mint's dad to come. Finally they saw him - walking along the wet sidewalk, holding a drenched umbrella, with a very worried look on his face.

- he does look worried - Amber said as she watched him disappear in the lab's building...

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