Chapter 6

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Mint and Amber were back in school , planning how they were going to get the time machine.

- I have another problem, what if we get caught!

Amber exclaimed

- We won't, don't  you remember the guards are robots, they only need the pass card to let us in and my dad gave me one for my last birthday so we can easily access the building. We only need to dodge some workers who might be coming in and out of different rooms.

- Well ok if you say so...

Amber muttered, still unsure. Nothing could convince her now.

It was time to go to class so the girls had to end their conversation. Both deep in thoughts they half walked half ran each to her own class.

Sirius or the time of Pi  Book 1 Earthriseحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن