Chapter 5

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Mint led Amber to a quiet corner outside the building and started her story.

- Basically some scientists from the lab traveled to the future and found out that in three years, someone will fly to Sirius' solar system and discover a planet just like Earth. By the way this is top secret so don't you dare tell anyone. The problem is that the group that traveled didn't have enough time to see the person getting out of the spaceship, they don't even know how many people were there. So now they are looking for the ideal people. They wanted to check if my dad wanted to go but he couldn't leave our school for that long and when they asked him who he would have picked he said...

-What? What did he say?

- He said we could have been the best choice however the scientists laughed and said that 'they'd think about it.? As if they are!

Amber sighed, she nearly thought that she was going to fly in a spaceship. Mint however was very pleased. 

- Why are you so happy? Can't you see that it was a useless trip! We just wasted school time and we are going to get detention! Thanks a lot Mint!

The words came out of Amber's mouth before she could think about them properly.

- Because i've got a plan. We should travel in time and see who the person or people is or are. If the people are us we can videotape the fragment of future and show it to the scientists as proof  that we are the people that should go.

Mint said, annoyance starting to form in her voice.

- Will they believe us though?

Amber asked, starting to get her normal tone back.

- Yes they will. I guarantee. We can take a little documentary

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