Chapter 4

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Meanwhile the girls were still behind the towering lab talking in hushed voices. Mint wanted to go in after her dad but Amber was unsure - like always.

- I don't think we should go in...

she began

- of course we should.

Said Mint and without further ado entered the building with Amber at her heels, because... what else could she do, she couldn't just stay here! Mint was very familiar with the building and headed straight for some door and then another door  and another. Amber was starting to think Mint didn't know the way and was just walking around randomly when Mint suddenly turned and entered a room. Amber started making her way to the door too but Mint stopped her. Seconds later she returned with a very satisfied expression on her face and beckoned Amber towards her.

- There he is

She said pointing at one of the men in the room. I got it now. My suspensions turned out to be true. She saw the puzzled look on her best friends face grinned mischievously and said:

- Let's go somewhere quiet and I will tell you all about my dad's trip to Australia... 

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