Chapter 9

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The next day at school Mint and Amber met at the bus. 

- Mint i am sorry for shouting at you yesterday. I am not sure what happened.

- Amber it's all right i forgot about it the instant it happened! Anyway i have modified our plan to the slightest detail. we are going today... no now!

Said Mint as she dragged Amber out of the bus. 

- Taxi! TAXI! 

she screamed 

The taxi landed a second later. Mint and Amber jumped in and the taxi zoomed into the sky. soon they arrived at the MAL. 

- ok now listen to me this is what we do: first we have to get into the room number 278439. i have got the pass card. 

said Mint and sneaked into the towering building. Amber sped after her trying to keep up. Again Mint zigzaged around popping in and out of rooms. However this time she knew for sure that Mint knew this place better that her own bedroom. 

Let us leave the two girls to explore the MAL and look at what John Segway is doing...

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