1. Moving Day

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"AVENGERS ASSEMBLE!!" Captain America yells as he and the other Avengers launch into action on my ipad. I smile while watching the screen, it always amazed me at how brave and selfless they could be. Always willing to lay down the line, put their own lives at risk to save others.

"This is footage gathered from the phones of several eye witnesses from the hostage situation 2 days ago in Washington D.C.. Even though they were missing some key avengers like the Hulk, Thor, and their newest recruit now called Quicksilver; the remaining members handled the situation flawlessly and quickly. All 48 hostages were rescued safely and the-"

"Miss, everything is loaded onto the truck. We're ready to head out when you are. We just need to confirm the location where we are taking your things..." the moving man paused and gave you a doubtful look. "...um, you said they were going to.. uh..."

"Stark Tower!" I replied with a sigh looking up. This is the fourth time these bozos have questioned me about the validity of moving into the Tower. Was it really that hard to comprehend?!

He slowly nodded "right, okay. Well I'll give my driver the address and you can meet us there." He nodded once before walking out.

I stood in my 'former' living/dining room looking at the empty walls. I let out a sigh starting to get a little emotional. This apartment was the first time I had lived alone since moving away from my family in florida. I came to New York to be closer to my Favorite Aunt and also take some cooking courses. It also didn't hurt that my best friend also moved here, except her reason was way cooler than mine. The lucky duck had gotten a job working for Mr. Tony Stark himself as the head chief at Stark Tower, which was now also known as the Avengers Tower!

Even though I was sad to let my first little piece of freedom go, I was bursting with excitement to get started with the newest chapter in my life. My bestie Jemma gave me the chance of a lifetime by asking me to join her cooking staff. It's always been my dream to meet the Avengers, and now I get to cook for them! "Oh man... I hope I don't accidently poison them..." I  suddenly thought dramatically.


I shook myself from my thoughts, and fished my phone out of my pocket to look at a text.


I laugh and after putting my ipad into my backpack, send her a reply.

Cat: lol chill, im on my way. Got a little distracted... oops

After pressing send I placed my phone in my pocket  and slung my pack over my shoulder. I took one last look around, left the apartment key on the kitchen counter, and walked out.

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