11. Failure to be Cool

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Quick update: So from here on in, unless other wise specified, you're reading from Allison's point of view. When you see ~character name~ everything below that will be in that characters POV. Cool? Cool! Thanks, and enjoy!


"Allison! Tony just said they were finishing up. They'll be here in about 10 minutes."

My heart started racing. I reached for a nearby mic and addressed the staff. "Alright guys, Tony will be here in 10. Finish up what you've got and get in position!" I handed the mic back to the DJ and stepped off the platform.

Stephanie came running up to me, her heels clacking loudly on the polished concrete floor. "The second batch of appetizers is on its way up, and the cocktail of the night you've chosen is being poured into glasses as we speak!" She lets out a breath with a smile. "Things are going well so far! The way I hear it, the suits really enjoyed your dinner!"

I laugh. "Yeah, let's hope it stays that way!" I check my watch. "I'm gonna run to the bathroom. Go ahead and get the music going and I'll be back in a flash!"

In the bathroom, I do a once over; making sure I look presentable. I ran my fingers over the front of my dress and adjusted the belt. I take several deep breaths, but it doesn't do much to calm my nerves. I fiddle with my reading glasses, which I had thrown on to look extra business savvy, which in hindsight now seems a little silly.

I smiled at my reflection. My black dress hovered just above the knee and was accented by a white thin snakeskin belt and matching white heels. I hoped I looked the part of confident caterer, because right now I was a bundle of nerves.

Loud music began thumping through the walls. Alright, lets do this!

The party was in full swing as I exited the bathroom. I smiled as tony weaved his way over to me. "This is great Allison! Those lamb chops were amazing by the way!" He patted my shoulder.

I was beaming with pride. This whole thing was such short notice that I had worried nothing would be ready in time.

"No problem Tony! Congratulations on the successful merger!" I laughed.

Tony winked and moved on to mingle with the other guests. Behind me I heard a door open, and turned, seeing a very underdressed Bucky, Steve, Clint and Natasha. My eyes widened and I hurried over to them.

"Guys! What are you doing here?" I tried to keep my voice down.

Clint rubbed his hands together, excitedly. "This is where the booze is at!"

Natasha nodded along and Bucky grinned wickedly. Steve looked slightly guilty.

"But..." I didn't know what to say. I had no authority to kick them out, but I didn't think tony would appreciate party crashers.

Natasha patted my shoulder as she moved past me. "Don't worry so much Allison!"

They all headed for the bar except Steve. He smiled, sending shivers down my back. "Sorry Allison. I know this was important to you. I'll go get them-"

"No, its fine." I let out a deep sigh and smiled back. "I'm sure it'll be fine."

Steve visibly relaxed and I let out a giggle. "Nice glasses by the way!" I looked down, smiling. As I opened my mouth to speak, Sarah sauntered up beside me. Licking her lips, she eyed Steve hungrily. "Well, hey there Captain." She purred.

Her already over exposed cleavage looked like it was a bout to burst from her skin tight black dress. I frowned at her appearance. I had asked for everyone to dress professionally, but apparently Sarah took that as an opportunity to wear her most revealing outfit.

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