15. Truth

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"Wanda! Truth or Dare?"

"Dare!" She answered eagerly.

"Guess what kind of underwear each player of the opposite sex has on (briefs, boxers, thong, or none.) If you guess more than three incorrectly, you must play the next five rounds in your underwear."

The guys all looked at each other. "Go ahead!" Clint waved her on.

Wanda sighed and pointed to each guy in turn. "Steve, Boxers. Sam, Briefs. Bucky... Boxers. Tony, Briefs. Thor I already saw, Boxers. Clint, boxers. And Pietro..." Wanda tapped her chin as Pietro smirked. "Normally you wear a thong..."

We laughed as his face went red. "WHAT! Don't lie-"

"But tonight, let's go with boxers!" she sat back with a grin.

Everyone was silent. "Well... was she right?" Natasha asked.

They all nodded. Clint cocked his head. "How did you guess correctly?"

Wanda licked her lips with a smile. "I just do... who is next?"

I pulled out a name. "Bucky!"

He huffed and sat forward. "Dare."

Tony shook the phone and read. "You and a party member of the opposite sex must switch all clothes until your next turn." He laughed. "Okay, let's pick a girl!" he pulled another name from the bowl.

Tony laughed. "You and Wanda gotta switch! Even underwear!"

Bucky stood up. "Are you serious?"

I clapped my hands laughing. "It's the rules! DO IT!" Jemma snickered at my side.

Wanda and Bucky left and came back moments later. Wanda strutted into the room, a huge smile on her face. Bucky's blue short sleeve tee billowed around her. She kept hold of his jeans with one hand and struck a pose. We all clapped and she clomped over to take her seat, stumbling a bit in his large boots.

"Come on Bucky! Don't be shy!" Jemma coaxed.

Bucky slowly entered the room with a fierce scowl on his face.

Steve whistled. "Lookin good Buck!"

Natasha snorted while Pietro fell on the floor, rolling in laughter.

Jemma crackled. "Hot Mamma!"

Bucky looked heavenward with a sigh. Wanda's strapless orange dress clung to his body for dear life. It came to a stop about mid thigh, exposing a whole lot of excess skin. His feet spilled out of her ankle boots, making him walk on his toes.

"Come on hot stuff, strike a pose!" Tony cooed.

Bucky crossed his arms, the bangles clinking as he moved. "That's not part of the dare!"

Everyone began speaking at once, egging him on until he finally relented. "Okay! Fine..." He began waving his hands in the air, in imitation of Wanda. His fingers moved more intricately than expected and he dropped down on one knee, extending his arm out with a smile.

It was silent for about two seconds before we all lost it. Tony fell back off the couch clutching his stomach as he laughed. Bucky straightened up awkwardly. Steve rocked back and forth as a few tears reached his eyes. Wanda chucked a pillow at Bucky with a smile. "That is NOT what I look like!"

Bucky caught the pillow and tossed it at Jemma, catching her in the face, sending her down on top of Tony as she laughed. He kicked off the shoes and sat next to Steve, striving to adjust the skirt over his legs, before finally shoving a pillow on his lap.

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