22. What Happened?

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I knew it was silly to have expected that no one would notice my injuries, but thankfully, no one really pushed the subject when I told them it was just from a training exercise. Although I'm pretty sure they figured it out anyway. The only thing I showed them, was my arms. They didn't need to see everything.

The only person I actually told the whole story to, was Jemma. When she saw me that night, she started crying, which made me cry, which made Pietro super uncomfortable. He stood to the side watching us crying and hugging as I recounted what had happened. Since this was his first time hearing the full story too, he was spitting mad by the time I had finished.

After much pleading, he finally calmed down enough to agree that he wouldn't "punch Jake so hard and so fast that his intestines would go flying from his mouth". Or at least that's what I think he said. He was shouting in Sokovian and I typed into Google Translate what I could.

Nat and Clint still had a week left of their mission, and I dreaded the thought of telling them. Who knew what hell Natasha would unleash upon Jake, and I knew I wouldn't be enough to stop her.

And then there was Steve. It had been a week since the incident, and he and Bucky had gotten back late last night. I didn't want Steve to think of me as being weak or cowardly, so I made it a point to hide my arms until everything healed.

I stand beside Jemma in Central Park, stretching my arms over my head, flinching as a dull ache from my side works over my body.

"Your jackets coming up and I can see it." Jemma commented.

I dropped my hands, yet again cringing as my arm slams into my side accidentally. You'd think I'd be more careful knowing I'm injured, but I've always been the type of girl that's more rough and tumble than soft and careful.

Jemma eyed me wearily as I rubbed my side tenderly. "You've been walking a little funny all week-"

"I have not!"

"-and when you run, you can tell something is wrong, so why not just tell them?" Jemma finished.

I rested a hand on my hip, waving my other hand about in the wind. "I just don't want them to know okay?"

"Why not Allison?" Jemma prodded. "Is it because you assume he'll think you're weak or something?"

She knew me too well. Jemma's eyes widened at figuring out the truth. "Really Allison? I was kidding! You know Steve; he's a good guy! He would never think that!"

I gave a half shrug and looked out over the pond. I actually did know he would never do that, but the whole situation made me feel terribly embarrassed and stupid. Even though Pietro had pointed out multiple times that it wasn't my fault, I still couldn't help but feel like it was. Stupid self-inflicted guilt.

Heavy footfalls made me turn and smile at Steve and Bucky as the approached. "Hey boys! Long time no see!"

I could sense Jemma perk up beside me, her enthusiasm infectious.

"What happened to your face?" Bucky asked bluntly, coming closer for a better look. Jemma gave me a pointed look, which I ignored.

I covered my jaw and shrugged away his question. "No biggie, just a training mishap the other day!"

Steve narrowed his eyes, as though he was somehow able to tell I wasn't saying the whole truth.

"Sam did that to you? Man, that's terrible!" Bucky said, continuing to come closer.

I shook my head and gestured to the path. "Sam didn't do anything. Can we just start please?"

Bucky's eyebrows rose and he leaned back with his hands up. "Alright, touchy subject, I get it."

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