14. Dare

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I shoved my hands under my thighs. I wasn't worried about the truth, but who knew what insane dares Tony could come up with. Jemma passed some bowls of popcorn around.

Tony shook a bowl in the air, waving his fingers over it excitedly. "Okay, let's see who's first!"

He pulled out a slip of paper and grinned. "THOR!"

Everyone cheered as Thor smiled grandly. "I shall pick Dare of course!"

Tony pulled put his phone and shook it. "I found a cool app, let's see what it says." Tony looked up, his eyes flashing. "Stand outside naked for three minutes!"

Natasha laughed and clapped her hands while Steve choked on his drink. "He has to what?" he asked as soda dribbled down his chin.

Thor stood up and shrugged. "Tis no matter. In Asgard we are not ashamed of our bodies as you Midgardians are."

Jemma squirmed. "We're not ashamed, it's just... awkward..."

Thor dismissed her statement and walked out to the balcony, disrobing as he went. Autumn had descended upon New York, but that didn't seem to bother Thor.

"Oh my God, he's actually gonna do it!" My eyes widened.

Natasha and Wanda jumped up and watched, as Thor stood naked with his back to us, watching over the city. "Start the timer!"

"The breeze is quite exhilarating!" Thor said as he started rotating back to us.

"DON'T TURN AROUND!" Clint shrieked covering his eyes. Sam, Bucky, and Steve all averted their eyes. Pietro made a disgusted face while Tony nodded. "Lucky Jane!"

I quickly looked away, but Jemma joined Natasha and Wanda. The girls giggled and whispered amongst themselves as Pietro ran to cover Wanda's eyes, but she blasted him back.

Bucky reached for Tony's phone and stopped the timer. "Times up!"

Thor frowned. "That was quick." He remarked as he retrieved his clothes and joined us back on the couch. Jemma sat back down with a smile on her face. "What a great way to start a game! You should've looked!" I wrinkled my nose. "No thanks."

Tony next pulled Sam's name. "After all that, I'll choose Truth."

Tony huffed. "That's no fun!" but he shook his phone anyway. "On a scale of one to ten, how good looking would you rate yourself?"

Sam laughed and leaned back with his arms crossed. "Well that's easy! I'm obviously off the charts!"

We laughed and Wanda tossed a pillow at him. Steve was pulled next.


Natasha laughed. "Of course he would pick that!"

Tony smirked and held a hand up. "No, I've got a good one!" He raised his brow and leaned forward with a smirk. "Who's a better kisser, Peggy or Sharon?"

Bucky snorted with laughter, as Steve's eyes narrowed. "We're not playing that game." He said harshly.

Tony shrugged. "Well, I guess that answers the question anyway huh?" Steve looked outraged, but Tony continued on anyway.

"Okay, next is... Clint!"


Tony threw up his hands. "Do you people even know how to play this game?" Clint grinned, happy to annoy Tony.

"What really happened in Budapest?"

Clint and Natasha exchanged looks. "That's classified."

"BOO!" Everyone screeched and hollered. I threw popcorn at Clint.

"Okay, next person has to do a dare!" He fished around in the bowl, pulling out a name. "Allison!"

"No!" I groaned.

Tony's eyes lit up as he read from the phone. "Shut your eyes and pucker up. The group gets to pick, while you aren't looking, a random person to give you a 10 second kiss. You may not open your eyes until the person is back, mixed in with the group. The group does NOT have to tell you who they selected."

My eyes went wide as everyone laughed, Jemma especially so.

Clint jumped up and came over. "Tie your scarf around your eyes!"

"But..." I looked at everyone in turn. Clint shook his head and tied the scarf for me. "Cover your ears too while we pick."

I jammed my fingers in my ear and waited. I could hear muffled voices, but nothing distinguishable. The voices became louder for a moment, than it was silent.

Seconds later, I felt a hand on my arm. Jemma removed my fingers and whispered in my ear. "Your ten seconds start now, enjoy!"

Quiet laughter floated around me as a hand cupped my cheek. I could tell they were trying to muffle their voices so as not to give away who kissed me.

I could sense someone hovering right before me, their breath tickling my lips. I inhaled and nibbled my bottom lip. I had no idea what to do with my hands, so I placed them on my knees.

His lips brushed mine softly. As if he was worried about kissing me.

Or, as if he didn't want to...

He suddenly gave way to some kind of pressing desire. The kiss deepened and he pressed himself into me. I fell back against the cushions. I brought my hands up to pull him close, but he let go of my face and gripped my hands, pinning them to my side.


He broke away, breathing heavily against me. My chest heaved and my head felt fuzzy. My cheeks were singed and I couldn't help but smile.

"Okay, don't take the blindfold off yet." Jemma held my arm and addressed my mystery man. "Get back over there so she won't be able to tell who it was... and stop smiling!"

I bit my lip to keep from giggling. At least I know he enjoyed it... whoever he is.

The scarf was lifted and I blinked as the light hit me. I observed the guys in front of me as my eyes adjusted back to normal. They were all smiling at me.

"Okay, who kissed me?"

Tony shook his head. "We've decided not to tell you." He winked. "It's more fun that way!"

I narrowed my eyes and stared them down. They all kept their mouths shut, wearing big goofy grins. I noticed Steve's eyes flick to the side.

Could it have been him?

Since no one would tell me, I could only assume. And while I didn't know for sure, I could most certainly hope!

Natasha snatched the bowl and rummaged around. "Alright, who's next?"

Deleted Scene:
Natasha picks truth and someone asks her "who's the best make out partner you've ever had?"

Natasha looks slyly at Steve.

Steve's eyes bulge, while the rest of the team's jaws drop. "What?!"  Clint shouts.

Natasha laughs saying "No, that was like kissing your brother"

Steve looks relieved while Everyone laughs, Jemma especially hard.

Pietro reaches over me and punches her in the thigh.

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