Haylee Gets Rekt

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I got on the bus in my usual corner. But today was different. Today I didn't put away my phone when Ben got on, in fact, I didn't even look at him. Not even when, out of the corner of my eye, I saw his feet stop in front of my seat for a moment before moving on.

He wasn't sitting with me. The reality of rejection hit me smack in the face. I frowned and pretended to ignore it. I pretended not to care that Ben wasn't sitting with me. I pretended not to care that Ben rejected me. And I plan to keep pretending. Just keep pretending...

I can't give that guy the satisfaction that he broke another girl's heart. It's so stupid why I even liked him. Why did I even start liking him? I don't know but I must have had a good reason. I hope I had a good reason.


After I got off the bus I began my search for Josh Adams. I really should apologize for yesterday. I was kids being a jerk. He could've saved me from getting run over by a bus... I didn't have much time to find him though.

I sprinted through the groups of people, clumping like friends at the, well, anywhere.

I didn't know where to look. I checked the sporty kids (and tripped Ben again) and found nothing. I continued to walk until I found the popular guys hanging out with all of their girlfriends. I hoped he wouldn't be there but, sure enough, I saw his face sticking out from the crowd. I was about to go say hi when one of the popular girls, Haylee, turned around and looked at me. "What are you doing here?"

I decided to take the popular-kids route on this one. "Maybe I should ask you what you're doing here."

"Ohhhhh!" The kids behind Haylee burst into shouts. Some included "Get REKT!" and "OOOH BURN!!!" and even "Yo Haylee! Apply ice to the burned area!"

"Shut up." She turned on he own friends. Note to self: Never Become Popular.

"What did you say?" I frowned. "I couldn't hear you over the sound of your stupidity. But the sound isn't what's bothering me! It's the smell!" I made a big gesture as I walked out of the group and went over to the geeks, or my best friends. Hadyn was waiting for me with a hug.

"I saw the whole thing! You were awesome!!!" She shouted.

"I know." I smiled a bit as she stepped on my toe.

"Don't push it."

I backed up and smiled. I couldn't stop smiling! I seriously crushed Haylee Stetson in front of everyone in the populars, including Josh Adams. Josh Adams...

I stopped myself. No. I can not start liking another guy! What about Carson and, dare I say it, Ben?


Art class. The worst possible class to have your enemies in. Why? Because I suck at art and they'll probably just make me feel worse.

I looked around the class. Not many students were here yet but the teacher was already assigning partners. "Josh Adams with..." I saw her eyes scan the list. "Jaylen Sams."

"What? No! Sams comes before Stetson so if your starting from the bottom I should be with Josh. Not her." I turned to see Haylee Stetson frowning at the Art teacher.

"Just go take your seat." The teacher said to her and in my mind I thought Get rekt Haylee. I smiled and sat down next to Josh.

"Oh hey." He turned to me. "I'm Josh."

"I'm Jaylen."

"Your the one that's seriously burned Haylee this morning, right?"

I grinned. "Yep."

"Nice." He smiled and started drawing in his sketch book. I turned to my own, looking at the blank page.

What do I draw? Hmmm. I thought for a moment of something to draw. Then I started to sketch a really messy-looking room. A room with blank walls and a bland, concrete floor. It was empty.

Now what?

I changed the floor to wood. I made the walls covered in posters. Last, I added a few bean bags, a skylight in the ceiling that looked out to a setting sun and a city skyline, and a flat-screen tv that took up over half of the left wall.

"Woah." Josh looked over at my drawing. "Your way better than I am." He showed me his drawing of the night sky. It was pretty good for an eighth grade drawing. Better than the guy on the other side of me who drew a stick-figure stabbing another stick-figure.

"It's better than his." I motioned to the other guy.

Josh just continued to draw, ignoring me now.

I went back to my art until I heard Josh's chair screech as he stood up. He walked over to Haylee Stetson and started talking. Really, their friends? Why?

He's so nice and she's so... Just... No!

I just sat and watched as she said something and he started to laugh. Why is he laughing! I stood up and was about to go say something to him when the bell rang.

"Shoot." I grabbed my stuff off the desk and walked down the hallway. I heard voices behind me and I walked a little faster.

"Well, I'm just gonna go hang out with my good friend, um," I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Josh. "What's your name again?" He whispered.

"Jaylen." I frowned. "Why?"

He turned around and shouted to his friends. "I'm gonna go hang out with my good friend Jaylen!"

I sighed. He's just using me to mess with his friends. He soon fell back and was laughing with his friends. I just rolled my eyes and walked a little faster. Why does Josh have to be friends with such horrible people.

They were probably laughing about me before. Haylee was probably telling him that I'm a stupid little girl that does nothing but stalk guys and cheat on my boyfriend. Well, most of this is a lie. I have never had a boyfriend so I can't really cheat on mine. As for the other thing, I wouldn't really call it stalking...

No wonder I've never had a boyfriend...

I just can't let her take him and convince him of lies, like she has in the past...

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