Noise in the library

15 1 0

Dear Diary ,

I made it to the biology room

Bad news is the computer is down and the books are locked up in the metal cabinets

This is just great

*walks out of the biology room and looks into the hall way ..... on the l

her left was the dance but on the right was the library doors *

Instead of going to the biology room I will go into the library and see if I can any new books

* walks inside the library and looks around for anything that might catch my eye *

So far nothing but ...........

Oh I hear something

It's a small voice coming somewhere in the library

I wonder what it could be , it's sounds like laughter and cheering and music

Lots of music ........

*goes into the back shelves of the library and finds ......*

DraniXNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ