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Spark's POV

I knew Rochelle was gonna run again , I made sure she didn't
As I holded her she turned to me looking into my eyes and I gazed into hers
I really don't know how I ended up after that
All of a sudden after looking into each others eyes
Rochelle just fell into my arms
She just was weak so I carried her bridal style to a safe place

I founded a set of leaves that looking like a bed
As I placed Rochelle on the leaves
I noticed she still had her arms around my neck

I noticed she wasn't asleep , her eyes where open

All at once it happened , Rochelle grabbed my shirt and we kissed for a long time
I don't know how but I claimed her there
Right in the woods when she was at her weakest

When the sun rised , Rochelle and I were able to Stop ourselves from being one together

I fell asleep after that , Rochelle just settled her head on my chest and went to sleep as well
I knew I could rest without worrying Rochelle might run off
I didn't really expect for this to happen right there

Rochelle's POV

I was tired of Spark trying to help me , so tired that I just melted in his arms and allowed him to carry me

I just had a feeling , that it was time , I was going crazy after feeling as if I was a murderer
I had a feeling that soon Spark and I would be separated soon
So I did what had to be done
Spark claimed me
Till the sun rised , we stopped
I rest my head on him
Then when I woke up I walked over to the river
I looked at my reflection in the water and notice something
On my neck , I thought it was a purple bruise but it wasn't
It looked like a birth mark or a music note
It was a mark in the shape of a music note

It was much better than a purple bruise
As I walked back to Spark , I noticed something else
Spark had a mark as well
Right on his chest was a flame mark

Rochelle's thoughts : Spark has a mark in the shape of fire

I decided Spark was right , I couldn't hide forever , so I tried to wake Spark up so we could go back

Rochelle : Spark Wake up !
Didn't work

I tried to nug Spark in the ribs
It worked better , Spark Slowly woked up

Spark : Morning
Rochelle : Morning , we have to get back to the palace
Spark : agreed

Spark quickly got dressed and passed me his coat again to cover my body

Spark's POV

I finally claimed her but I broke the promise , I never got her parent's blessings
I felt stupid as I walked out to fetch my horse gazing in a near by field

Cupid popped out in my face

Cupid : Sorry what did I miss

Spark : um , nothing

I rided my horse back to Rochelle and lifted her on with me

The whole ride was silent as we rode home
Well except Cupid , he wanted to know what happened as always

As we arrived I noticed no one was outside , everyone went back to sleep

I carried Rochelle quickly up to my room before anyone could see her.

Rochelle : what are we doing here

Spark : You can't be seen in my coat all naked

Rochelle : Right

Rochelle walked into the bathroom as I pasted her a casual yellow dress

She walked out finally covered

Rochelle : Is this better

Spark : much better

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