Gone !.....Where ?

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I was mostly pissed off that I couldn't find a dress
I walked over to a little music cafe
I sat there for a while till Spark showed up again

Spark : Are you okay

Rochelle : I thought you were busy

Spark : I am but I wanted to check on you

Rochelle : You know you king jobs are more important than you being with me all the time

Spark : and I'll get to them but I wanted to personally make sure you are okay

Rochelle : Spark you don't need to follow me like I'm a five year old children , I can take care of myself pretty well

Spark : gosh Rochelle , sorry if I was putting pressure on you , I'll leave

Spark stormed out

Rochelle : Spark wait I didn't mean to .....

Spark : I'll see you at dinner...

Rochelle : Spark wait ...

Spark left the cafe and was out of the building

Rochelle's thoughts : I shouldn't have been so mean , he was only trying to help me feel better , I'll apologize later

I went to all the dress shops I could find , by the end of the day I went home with my mother empty handed

As I entered the dinner room my eyes searched for Spark

He was no where in the room
I sat in the front of the kings table by the king's chair
Still no Spark

Erika sat beside me
The food finally arrived
But Spark did not

Rochelle's thoughts : I guess Spark is really mad at me , he not coming to dinner

A maid carried a plate of food upstairs

Rochelle : excuse me , maid where are you going with that ?

Maid : To king Spark

Rochelle : I'll take it for him

Rochelle's Father : Rochelle , just let the maid take the food to Spark , you sit down and eat with us

I did as my father told me

Rochelle's thoughts : I guess I'll see Spark in are our room later.

After dinner , decided to head to sleep , I ran up stairs and looked inside the room

No Spark anywhere

Rochelle's thoughts : Maybe he's at a meeting and is coming to sleep later

I got ready for bed and then waited for Spark , he still didn't arrived

I fell asleep as soon it was midnight

After sleeping , the sun's rays woke me up , I was alone in my bed

Rochelle's thoughts : Spark must've been really mad at me , he didn't eat dinner with me or went to his bed

I walked to the closes maid I could find

Rochelle : Excuse me , but where is king Spark ?

Maid : He just left out of the kingdom

Rochelle : Where ?

Maid : A meeting with the finest Kings

Rochelle : When Spark returns please tell him to meet me in his room

Maid : I will inform him

I went to Erika to help me solve this dress problem

Rochelle : Nothing I tried feels like me

Erika : Well , what do you want the dress to be like

Rochelle : Well , nice and snug but not tight , beautiful but not flashy and it has a eye grabbing effect when I wear it
Plus it has to make me feel pure

Erika : Ok tell you what , Im gonna take you to Diana's Dropping Dread Dreams Dress Shop tomorrow , it's a five star place to get any type of dress for any event

Rochelle : Sounds Dramatic

Erika : Trust me , it's the best

Rochelle : Alright , if you say so
Have you seen Spark anywhere

Erika : No I heard he was busy

Rochelle : I think he might be mad at me

Erika : Spark could never be mad at you

Rochelle : After what I said , I think he can

Erika : Was it that bad ?

Rochelle : sort of

Erika : Just go and explain yourself in a calm and peaceful way

Rochelle : I will I promise

After helping Erika garden all her plants the maid ran up to me

Maid : The king has returned

Rochelle : Where is he

Maid : he's heading to his room

Rochelle : I gotta go , bye Erika

Erika : Good luck Rochelle

I ran upstairs with a smile on my face
I opened the door hoping Spark was in that room

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