The Past is the Past

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Cupid : so what happened with you and Spark

Rochelle : I don't want to talk about it

Cupid : I understand

Rochelle : Cupid , how did you came alive

Cupid : um by my mom and daddy , they made me

Rochelle laughed

Rochelle : I mean How did you and Spark met

Cupid : As soon as Spark kissed you I came to the problem

Rochelle : So you did all that , you changed him

Cupid : no , Spark did it all , I just helped him

Cupid went through the closest and pulled out decorated jeans and an red tank top with a black matching sweater

Cupid : This looks cute

Rochelle : Thanks , what would Spark do without you Cupid

Cupid : he would be lost and you too might still hate each other and would be miserable

Rochelle's POV

As I walked down the stairs in my outfit with Cupid , a young woman stepped through the door

She had light golden hair that was curled , dressed in a long flowing purple dress , her face was covered in make-up
I walked down to Spark's Father and asked him

Rochelle : who's she

Spark's Father : Princess Jewels

Rochelle : why is she here

Spark's Father : She's here to see Spark

Spark's Father walked up to Jewels and Welcomed him
My parents watched me come by

Spark walked in and Jewels ran to him

Jewels : King Spark Harp , my goodness you have matured into a fine man

Spark : Princess Jewels , nice to see you again , its been years

Jewels : About five years and I'm still single , if you get my hint

Spark turned to me and grabbed my hand as soon as Jewels gave him the hint

Spark : Jewels this is my love , Rochelle Golden

Jewels looked disappointed when she saw me , her face turned sour

Rochelle : It's nice to meet you

Jewels : How long has this been going for you two

Jewels ignored my words and just listened to Spark

Spark : We have been together for a while

My parents waited for me at the front door , ready to leave but I really didn't want to leave Spark with Jewels

Spark : Rochelle your parents are waiting for you

Rochelle : oh they are

Spark kissed my hand

Spark : I'll see you at dinner

I walked out with my parents and Cupid ... I looked back at Spark as he smiled at me and then went to the throne room with Jewels following him

I didn't trust Jewels after how she reacted when Spark told her he was in love with me

Spark's POV

As soon as Rochelle lefted with her Parents and Cupid
I went to the throne room as Jewels followed me

Spark : So about Royal Business

Jewels changed the topic

Jewels : How could you be happy with her !

Spark : excuse me ?

Jewels : Spark , she has no sense , is she even royal

Spark : it doesn't matter to me

Jewels : Your actually happy with this girl

Spark : If you calling Rochelle as this Girl then yes I am

Jewels : how , she has no grace , no beauty

Spark : unlike you jewels , I don't choose my love ones by beauty , I choose them by personality

Jewels : How can you love her ?
She has no fashion sense

Spark : your jealous jewels , you wanted me since we met

Jewels : of course but you didn't want me

Spark : because your a stuck up brat !

Jewels : I am not , I wanted you to claim me , I was ready for you to marry me , I loved you

Spark : Well that's in the past , I love Rochelle and that's final

Jewels : Have you even Claimed her yet

Spark : That's none of your business to talk about

Jewels : Are you sure she even loves you

Spark : She saved me from death , I positive she loves me back

Jewels : I can't believe this Spark , your better than her , you deserve someone like you

Spark : Thanks for the offer Jewels but I love Rochelle from the bottom of my heart , she is my life and if you can't put the past in the past then I think you should leave

Jewels : but Spark ....

Spark : Just Leave Jewels before you say something you'll regret saying

Jewels : I already did

Spark : Well then shame on you

Jewels lefted the room crying
I knew I shouldn't have done that but Jewels is a love thief
I know her secrets
I know she goes out into towns and sells her body to men and if things goes wrong she kills them
She's a dark woman for a princess

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