Chocolate ???.......Kiss

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Spark started to walk out
Rochelle watched him as she bit her bottom lip
Suddenly Spark turned around to Rochelle again

Spark : oh and there's something I've been hoping to give you

Rochelle : oh really

Spark : yeah

Rochelle : is it a present ?

Spark : sort of

Rochelle : Magic ?

Spark : It's kinda magical

Rochelle : is it chocolate ?

Spark : why would I give you chocolate in the first place

Rochelle : cause its a sweet gift

Spark : It's not chocolate

Rochelle : then what is it

Spark : come closer

Rochelle : ok

Rochelle walks up to Spark

Spark : little bit closer

Rochelle : Why

Spark : Do you want it or not

Rochelle : ok

Rochelle was even closer to Spark

Spark : Closer

Rochelle : Ok , this is getting weird

Rochelle was now an inche away from Spark's Face , she gazed again into his crystal Blue eyes

Spark : Good , now close your eyes

Rochelle : my eyes now

Spark : come on you can do it

Rochelle : I don't see the point of this

Spark : oh you'll see

Rochelle : ok then

Rochelle closed her eyes

Rochelle : ok my eyes are closed now wha .......

Spark's Lips were attach to Rochelle's
He wrapped his arms around Rochelle only for a few seconds then he losed his grip on Rochelle
Slowly there lips were apart

Spark gave a smirk and slowly walked off
Rochelle was stunned , she didn't move until Spark was fully gone

Rochelle's knees then fell to the ground

Rochelle thoughts : he kissed me , my first Kiss from him , was Katey right ? , does Spark and I have Love for eachother .....

_____As Spark walked to the school his mind wondered ________

Spark : What have I done , I kissed her , what in the world is going on with me

Weird voice : your in love with her

Spark : what was that

Voice : that was me

Spark : show yourself , who are you

Right befind Spark jumped out a little Cupid
Voice : Im your inner love and im here to help you see that you two belong together

Spark : first my mom dies , I gave my first Kiss to a girl I don't even love and now im talking to a tiny Cupid that somehow popped out of my ear
Thats it , isn't it , I've gone crazy , totally nuts , I'll never be able to think right again ...

Cupid : For a King your sure are acting like a drama queen

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