Death .....ha ...ha..ha

11 1 2

Jewels : I do

Pastor : King Spark , do you take Princess Jewels as your loving wife forever till you no longer live , for better and worse

Spark : I .... I.....

I watched Spark about to say I do till I was shock to see his result
Spark fell to the floor
Everyone's jaw dropped

Jewels got on her knees trying to slap Spark awake

The Pastor checked his pulse

Pastor : He's dead

Everyone gasped

I ran down the balcony stairs to the center of the stage
My heart skipped a beat when I came close to Spark's face
I fell to floor and moved Spark's blond hair from his closed eyes

I whispered in his ear

Rochelle : Spark Wake up , please

I waited for a response

Spark's POV

I pretended to die
Since Alex was the only one who checked my pulse
He was able to confirm my death

I wanted to move when I heard Rochelle's voice , I could feel her touch
But I had to stick to the plan
But it didn't go as I hoped

Right After Rochelle tried to walk me and old lady walked up and poked me hard in the rib

I couldn't hold in my pain , so I yelled it out
The old woman laughed with joy

I sat up in disappointment
Rochelle backed away from me as Jewels came to squeeze me

My plan didn't work at all
I could see tears about to fall out of Rochelle's eyes

She was ready to run out
I got up from the hard velvet ground
Only a few steps away from each other
As soon as she ran so did I

She only reached the outside of the entrance till I grabbed her hands and dragged her down

She tried to escape me , but I couldn't let her broken heart go

I wrapped my arms around her
Her eyes were closed and full of tears

She wouldn't look me in the face , we both were on are knees
She finally gave up on trying to get out of my arms
I holded her chin up
Her eyes remained close still with tears

I knew she hated me
I wiped her tears
And whispered in her ear

Spark : No matter what happens I'll always love you , your someone that can never be compared to anyone cause they don't stand a chance against you

I finally loosen my arms
I got up from the ground and looked down at her

Slowly she rised up from the ground and turned to me
Her tears had glitter makeup in them so they started to sparkle

She opened her arms to me
I wrapped mine around her

For long time we holded each other
I didn't want to let her go
Jewels came to me crying , black lines dripped down her face

Jewels : You are a child !!!

I letted go of Rochelle and walked up to Jewels

Spark : That's what I've been trying to tell you

Jewels : Your supposed to be a mature King

Spark : Well I guess Im not your guy then , I don't do well with mature

Jewels : You are not a king !!!!

Spark : Your Right Im not ....

I walked over to Rochelle and finally got to look her in the eyes

Spark : Im the love of her life

Jewels kicked me out
I pretend if it hurt but it didn't

As soon as I stepped out I felt freedom
My eyes soon locked on her beautiful emerald green eyes

She walked over to me and raised my chin up

Rochelle : Your not a mature King one bit , your more a loving king and crazy

Spark : Well which one would you rather have mature or loving or crazy as hell

Rochelle : I didn't fall in love with the king of Harmony , I fell in love with a man named Spark Harp

Spark : And that won't change ... I promise you that I will always never be mature , always try to make you laugh and always love you

Rochelle : What more could a girl ask for

I finally was united with Rochelle
We shared another long kiss

But believe me this didn't end in a happy ending

*I ended up paying for the wedding which was a waste

*Rochelle was in more trouble with her parents

* I had to prove to Rochelle's parents that I didn't have any diseases

* and Rochelle's Grandma wouldn't stop pinching my cheeks (ouch )

But there was a few good things ....
Well actually something that really good

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